HexFest 2018 met with protests from Catholic groups

NEW ORLEANS – HexFest 2018 was met with street protests Saturday for the first time in its four year history. Conservative Catholics lined the streets in front of St. Louis Cathedral to join an action coordinated by TFP Student Action, a division of American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. They held up religious symbols, recited prayers, played bagpipes, and waved signs in protest. One sign read, “Catholics reject satanic HexFest” and another read, “Do not permit Witchcraft and the occult to trample our Catholic heritage.”

Column: The Goddess of Freedom

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Back when I was a little kid, something like 20 years ago, my mother took me on a trip to Paris. For about a week, we wandered around the city of lights, visited friends, took the metro, ate crepes, climbed the Eiffel tower and more. On the morning of our last day there, my mother told me we only had time to visit one more place before going home and that I’d have to choose between Disneyland or… the Louvre.