Arts & Culture
British Museum and British Petroleum are bedfellows again
The British Museum has announced a new £50 million partnership with the oil company BP after an apparent break between the two institutions earlier this year.
The Wild Hunt (
The British Museum has announced a new £50 million partnership with the oil company BP after an apparent break between the two institutions earlier this year.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak cancels a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in a row that erupted over the Parthenon Marbles.
New research offers clues about the original colors used in the Parthenon and its statuary.
A scandal at the British Museum has led to a curator being fired for the theft of potentially thousands of objects and the resignation of the museum’s director. Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott argues it should lead to rethinking the structure of large institutions like the British Museum.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott critiques the way philanthropy structures our ideas about the pagan past to match the priorities of museum mega-donors.