Leaning into Imbolc: a focus on hearth and home

Brigid’s influence here is far-reaching, as is the gentle determination of her spirit. I believe that it is her nature to be more pleased by action than by words or acts of worship, and across the many forms she takes or names she holds, she is aware and approving of the renewal of interest in what some consider a simpler life.

Hard Candy Christmas

Some of us have gone numb and non-functional; others are deep in the season and lighting candles, decorating trees, celebrating the return of the Sun, and practicing so many other traditions and acts of faith and love that this writer cannot name them all. I, myself, am holding space in the in-between this year.

Midnight Musings and the Round-Bellied Bowl

The truth is, being a Witch and having a daily spiritual practice in magic does not allow me to create my own situational blindness to what is happening within the borders of my own community and country or in the world that is really not so far away. I cannot remain connected and be oblivious at the same time.

The Ghosts of Home

My father began asking me to go home sometime in August. He started with subtle hints – the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, random old music, and snapshots of shared memories. But I should mention that no embodied being in my home drinks coffee, and my dad left this realm 16 years ago.

A Three Mile Drive

I know what should be blooming, singing, or visiting any time, but I revel in the surprises. Over the summer, a frog moved into the front gardens. What a sweet marker of the returning health of this tiny bit of land! I adore hearing his frog songs at night, mixed in with the sounds of the night chorus.