Viking Age ship burial found in Norway
A burial complex in Gjellestad, Norway includes burial mounds, buildings and a ship burial may help us to better understand the cultural and spiritual practices of the Vikings.
The Wild Hunt (
A burial complex in Gjellestad, Norway includes burial mounds, buildings and a ship burial may help us to better understand the cultural and spiritual practices of the Vikings.
Wood henges are much less impressive to modern observers of the sites but are critical for understanding ritual practice in the Neolithic. Recent findings also tell us how long such monuments took to build.
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The impact of China no longer accepting plastics for recycling has far-reaching effects and left wealthier countries with no easy solutions for recycling plastics.
We report on Rathcroghan (Ir. Cruachan Ai) the ancient place of assembly in Ireland, excavations, and the site’s connection to the Morrigan.