Column: Wisdom from the Graves
Lyonel Perabo’s daily walk to his child’s kindergarten takes him through his hometown’s cemetery, a place to reflect on history and what has been passed down to us.
The Wild Hunt (
Lyonel Perabo’s daily walk to his child’s kindergarten takes him through his hometown’s cemetery, a place to reflect on history and what has been passed down to us.
Lyonel Perabo reviews the new book by Dan Coultas, “Heathenry and the Sea.”
Twelve years ago to the day, I boarded a flight from the Oslo-Gardenmoen airport in south Norway. I was heading for Tromsø, some 1100 kilometers (roughly 700 miles) north, where I was to start a new year of study and a new chapter in my life. This plane ride was but the last leg of a much longer trip which started all the way in the southern French town of Beziers, where I lived, before leading to Paris, my birth place, and then Oslo, all through a combination of high speed trains, overnight bus rides, and ferries. When I arrived in Tromsø, it was a typical Arctic autumn day, where massive gray clouds had only cold winds to compete with for the domination of the skies. As I left the airport, I grabbed unto my two massive suitcases, and headed for the other side of the island, where the campus was located.
Lyonel Perabo reviews the newly published second volume of Our Troth, which covers Heathen deities, spirits, and other mythological figures.
While working in Tromsø’s Polar Museum, Lyonel Perabo considers the way Pagan relics are kept behind museum walls – and how modern Pagans might bring new life into those objects.