Column: Tending the Altar
This is why I tend my altars so often: things change. I have a tendency to forget things that I do not put my hands on occasionally.
The Wild Hunt (
This is why I tend my altars so often: things change. I have a tendency to forget things that I do not put my hands on occasionally.
Now, everyone knows a Jack tale. There’s the one about the beanstalk, sure, and most have heard a story or two about him in one of his many run-ins with the devil. The details change, but the man is the same.
“How,” I asked my partner, at last, “do you have a home you can’t take care of?”
As I settle into the house I find myself living most of my life in that space, surrounded by my allies. Hermes near the door, gathering small bright things like a magpie. Athena by the window, firm and steady and unexpected, watching with her grey eyes. The Good Neighbors at the threshold, honey in their cups and hawthorne close to hand.
“Where should I put your altar in the new house?” I asked Loki, settling back into the couch as my partner Bat sat with zir headphones on, listening to the random noises that were all ze could hear. “Do you like where it is?”
“People are angry,” he said, stilted, as Bat relayed the message.
“Who’s angry?” I asked, a little alarmed.
“I don’t know a Beatrice,” I said.