Reports of being “fairy led” from Pagans
Pagans share their magical experiences that folklore would describe as being “fairy-led.”
The Wild Hunt (
Pagans share their magical experiences that folklore would describe as being “fairy-led.”
The U.K.’s Ministry of Defence and archaeologists are working together to learn as much as they can from Flower’s Barrow hillfort before the site is lost to the sea. And many residents and visitors to some of the U.K.’s historical and notable sites relate their unearthly experiences.
A ceramic sculpture by artist Sandy Brown that was commissioned by St. Austell to celebrate and reflect the region’s historical connections to the china clay industry has seven Christian leaders up in arms.
A recent case regarding an improperly handled burial on private property in Wales highlights the laws governing such burials and procedures required.
Members of the Scottish Parliament continue to move closer to granting pardons for all of the people accused, convicted, vilified or executed under the Witchcraft Act of 1563 for practicing “witchcraft.”