Opinion: Santa Muerte Worshipers Confronted by a Christian Preacher
Jaime Gironés comments on an incident of a white American Christian preacher disturbing worship at a Santa Muerte shrine in Mexico City.
The Wild Hunt (
Jaime Gironés comments on an incident of a white American Christian preacher disturbing worship at a Santa Muerte shrine in Mexico City.
Jaime Gironés comenta sobre un incidente en el que un predicador cristiano estadounidense blanco perturbó el culto en un santuario de la Santa Muerte en la Ciudad de México.
TWH’s Mexico columnist, Jaime Gironés, reflects on what it means to be isolated on Beltane.
El columnista de TWH en México, Jaime Gironés, reflexiona sobre lo que significa estar aislado en Beltane.
TWH’s Mexico columnist, Jaime Gironés, voices his support for the #UnDiaSinNosotras, “A Day Without Us”, women’s strike planned for Monday, March 9th, throughout Mexico.