Column: The Crafting of a Life

[Guest voices are a key part of The Wild Hunt’s mission. Today we welcome Katrina Messenger. Katrina is a certified archetypal and dream pattern analyst. As a Wiccan mystic, she works extensively with mythology, dreams, ritual and trance as a means of self exploration, self healing and self evolution. She believes that any attempt to change the external world must be paired with the inner work of a personal spiritual practice. If you enjoy her work and reading other guest writings, consider donating to The Wild Hunt, and when you do let us know if about other voices you’d like to see here.]

The world is changing.

Column: The Language of the Gods

[Today The Wild Hunt welcomes guest writer David Halpin. Over the year, The Wild Hunt welcomes guests, like Halpin, to share their unique viewpoints, practices, and expertise. Doing so is an important aspect of our mission. If you enjoy articles like this, please consider donating to The Wild Hunt. You make it possible for us to continue to provide a world platform to a diversity of voices, and we’ve got four more fantastic writers scheduled over the next three months.

Column: The Building of a South African Vampyre Community

[The Wild Hunt welcomes guest writer Christina Engela. She is a author, witch, human rights activist, blogger and chief researcher for the Alternative Religious Forum. Engela lives in South Africa and writes regularly for Penton Alternative Media.]

Most members of the South African (SA) Vampyre community (VC) who have done a little research know that this community’s recorded history began May 2010 with the foundation of House Valur. Most will know that the community only started growing and taking form with the founding of the South African Vampyre Alliance (SAVA) in June 2011. But little if anything is known about the community in the years before that time.

Reclaiming the sexual self through magic and ritual (part two)

[Guest journalist ZB returns to her discussion with artist, author and hypnotherapist Iona Miller. In Part One, ZB began her conversation with Miller on the subject of sacred sexuality and the reclaiming of the body and sexual self  – a topic that is rarely addressed publicly within a positive framework. Today, we present part two of that interview.]

ZB: In regards to the practice of sacred sex, what would be the best way for a beginner to approach it? IM: Approach it with love. The key to love is selflessness, and the fulfillment it brings.

Reclaiming the sexual self through magic and ritual (part one)

[The Wild Hunt welcomes back guest journalist ZB, who conducted an in-depth interview with artist, author and hypnotherapist Iona Miller. ZB spoke with Miller specifically on the subject of sacred sexuality and the reclaiming of the body and sexual self  – a topic that is rarely addressed publicly within a positive framework and is more likely to be found at the center of controversy. Is there room in our culture for the understanding and acceptance of ritual, sacred and religious sexual practice? If so, how? We present part one of two.]

Iona Miller is a clinical hypnotherapist and multimedia artist whose interest in esoterics began in Ojai with Krishnamurti and the Theosophists, and continued with American pioneers of magick and specializes in extraordinary human potential. Her work and studies fuse esoterics, quantum physics and depth psychology.