Column: Reckoning with Morals and Myth
Luke Babb meditates on the Easter weekend and their own experience of conversion from the certainty of Christianity to the multiplicity of Paganism.
The Wild Hunt (
Luke Babb meditates on the Easter weekend and their own experience of conversion from the certainty of Christianity to the multiplicity of Paganism.
Luke Babb continues their series about reckoning with the Christian influences of modern Paganism. In this column, they explore one of the most pernicious influences: the culture of American racism, which is entwined with American Christianity and spread into American Paganism.
Luke Babb dissects the role academic knowledge plays in contemporary Heathenry and considers how other ways of knowing could be elevated to create a more rounded approach to the religion.
Columnist Luke Babb on giving up Christmas and searching for a new form of winter praxis.
Luke Babb reckons with the concept of “ministry,” examining it from its Christian conception and how it might be applied to a Pagan practice.