Pagan Community Notes: Week of July 25, 2024

Circle Sanctuary logo

MADISON, Wis. – The Capital Times featured Circle Sanctuary and Rev. Selena Fox in their recent article on Wisconsin cemeteries offering green burials.

Circle Cemetery is a unique and pioneering cemetery located in Barneveld, Wisconsin on a 200-acre site within Circle Sanctuary and nature preserve.  Now in it’s 5-th year, it’s one of the earliest examples of environmentally friendly burial practices in the United States.

“Now, the demand to be buried in the cemetery has increased so much that we’ve actually, in the last few years, put some requirements on being buried at Circle Cemetery,” Fox is quoted as saying. 

Green burials are a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional burial methods. They focus on minimal impact on the environment and a natural decomposition process.

Green burials typically minimize the use of harmful chemicals, conserve natural resources, use biodegradable materials in the casket or shroud, and forgo vaults and the use of concrete to allow a body to decompose naturally.

Tanya Murdock, who buried her stillborn son in Circle Cemetery, is quoted in the Capital Times article, “It was unbelievably beautiful.”

PARIS- The 2024 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad, are scheduled to begin tomorrow July 26, 2024, and will run until August 11, 2024. They will be held in Paris, France.

Earlier this year, some Christian authors had commented that this year’s Olympiad was “flirting with paganism” and worried about stumbling u”upon some dark web pagan ceremony or the latest TikTok influencers behaving like they were under the influence,” or perhaps even worse. a “high priestess.”

Writing for Angelus news, Robert Brennan equated the ceremonies lighting the Olympic torch with Naziism, “I found a historical nugget that made this neo-pagan ritual all the more disconcerting. It seems the tradition of the Olympic Torch being lit in Greece on the site where the concept of Olympic games originated, and then transported via a chain of human torch bearers to the host city of the Games, was the brainchild of the organizers of another Olympics — the Berlin games of 1936. The National Socialists were also big on neopagan symbolism and big ceremonies.”

Our corresponent Sean McShee covered the 2022 Olympiad in,  The Olympics, a pagan festival?  He notes that ancient games were a devotional practice to Zeus.  But modern games, as Frank Kühn of the University of Mainz says are different. “The common faith in gods in Greek antiquity is now replaced by widely accepted patriotism.”

The Conversation, recently published “Why the Olympic Games are a ‘civil religious’ ceremony with a global congregation.” They look at the performative nature of the games and note “For most Americans, opportunities to pledge their allegiance and perform their patriotism are relegated to civic duties such as voting, jury duty or paying one’s taxes. So sporting events are prime civil religious occasions to strengthen their emotional ties to their country.”

Crossings of the Veil

Lady Ruthann

The Wild Hunt was saddened to hear that Lady Ruthann crossed the veil.  Rev. Davron Michaels, Paramount Priest of the New Aeon Church International forwarded us a remembrance.

Rev. Ruthann Amarteifio

May 22, 1948 – July 16, 2024

I am deeply saddened to announce the passing of the Most Reverend Ruthann Amarteifio on July 16, 2024. Lady Ruthann passed peacefully in her sleep after a long battle with a serious illness.

Born Ruth Ann Mullin to parents Clarence and Gladys Mullin (Marshall) in Chenoa, Illinois on May 22, 1948, Lady Ruthann led a rich, full, and vibrant life. She traveled extensively in her favorite green Volkswagen Beatle and lived in many places throughout her life, including Chenoa, Kankakee, Chicago, and Hoopeston, Illinois; Idaho, California, and Schenectady, New York.

Ruthann is survived by Rita Mullin and other cousins, her beloved cats, her family of choice, past partners, and many, many friends all over the world.

Lady Ruthann was a social justice warrior and activist. She was a vocal advocate for religious freedom, the separation of church and state, personal liberties, diversity, social justice, Palestinian rights, animal welfare, wildlife protection, and many environmental causes.

Ruthann had a deep passion for nature and was greatly devoted to environmental protection. She was a committed vegan, growing many of her own fruits and vegetables, and was a culinary master of vegan cuisine. She loved all animals, and rescued or helped many hundreds of stray or injured animals throughout her life. Her favorite activities in life were spending time in the natural world. She was fond of taking long walks in the woods, basking among the flowers in sunny meadows, spending time near natural bodies of water, and communing with wildlife and the spirits of nature.

Lady Ruthann was a dedicated pagan leader, teacher, and elder. She passed in service as the Arch Priestess of the New Aeon Church International and the New Aeon Tradition of Wicca (formerly the Correllian Nativist Tradition), a position she held since 2004. She also served as Vice President of the Board of Directors, and Head of the Orders of Gaia, Daughters of the Goddess, Hearth Keepers, and Earth Walkers. She was the founder and Chief Priestess of Akasha Temple in Illinois and Arch Priestess of the Temple of Astral Light in New York. She was also a member of many pagan organizations, including the Fellowship of Isis, Chrysalis Ministries, Earthwise Gyre, and many others. Additionally, she was a Reiki Master, crystal healer, divination specialist, and spiritual counselor.

The New Aeon Church will be holding a memorial service for Lady Ruthann this fall in conjunction with our twentieth-anniversary celebration. A new award for excellence in clerical service shall be created in her honor, and a portion of her remains will be retained to create a religious relic at our headquarters.

Lady Ruthann was a fully awakened and self-actualized spiritual master, and a brilliant light in an all too often darkened world. Her loss will be felt deeply by many around the world. She may have passed from this plane of existence, but her influence will be felt for many generations to come, and her good works will continue. As she joins the realm of our Beloved Ancestors, we hope that she rests well in Summerland. Her time with us here may be at an end, but her journey shall continue.

All Hail the Traveler!

What is remembered, Lives!

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Research Request 

Project Title – By Whose Authority: ‘Accuracy’ of Ancient Greek Religious Practices by Contemporary Practitioners – Questionnaire for Ethnography Chapter

This study is being conducted as part of my, Aneirin Pendragon’s, PhD Thesis in the Classics Department at the University of St Andrews.

We invite you to participate in an online questionnaire concerning aspects of religious worship and the role of authority for adults (18+) who identify as Hellenic Polytheists or closely related religions that concerns worship of the Greek gods in a contemporary context. This questionnaire will take approximately 20-30 minutes. Individuals will have the option to elect to do in-depth interviews on a voluntary basis to expand upon what they answered within the questionnaire, to be scheduled with those who volunteer to do so.

If you are interested, please get in contact using the details below. You will then be given a Participant Information Sheet that further details my research and have the opportunity to ask questions, before being asked whether you consent to participate.

Contact Details

Researcher: Aneirin Pendragon
Prof Jason König (Supervisor)
Dr Ralph Anderson (Supervisor)

Contact Details:
Aneirin Pendragon
+44 (0)1334 462600

Prof Jason König (Supervisor)
+44 (0)1334 462600

Dr Ralph Anderson (Supervisor)
+44 (0)1334 462600


Τίτλος Εργασίας

Σύμφωνα με Ποια Αυθεντία: Η ‘Ακρίβεια’ των Αρχαιοελληνικών Πρακτικών Λατρείας των Σύγχρονων Λατρευτών – Ερωτηματολόγιο για το Κεφάλαιο Εθνογραφίας

Η έρευνα αυτή διεξάγεται ως μέρος της διδακτορικής διατριβής της Aneirin Pendragon στο τμήμα Κλασικών Σπουδών στο Πανεπιστήμιο του St Andrews.

Σας καλούμε να συμμετάσχετε σε ένα ηλεκτρονικό ερωτηματολόγιο που αφορά τη θρησκευτική λατρεία και το ρόλο της αυθεντίας σε αυτήν για ενήλικες (18+) που προσδιορίζονται ως Ελληνικοί Πολυθεϊστές ή ως μέλος άλλης, στενά σχετιζόμενης, θρησκείας που περιλαμβάνει τη λατρεία των Ελλήνων θεών στη σύγχρονη εποχή. Αυτό το ερωτηματολόγιο θα διαρκέσει περίπου 20-30 λεπτά. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα έχουν την επιλογή να λάβουν μέρος σε εις βάθους συνεντεύξεις εθελοντικά, ώστε να αναπτύξουν τις απαντήσεις που έδωσαν στο ερωτηματολόγιο. Οι συνεντεύξεις αυτές θα οριστικοποιηθούν κατόπιν επικοινωνίας με τους εθελοντές που θα προσφερθούν.

 Αν ενδιαφέρεστε, παρακαλείστε να επικοινωνήσετε χρησιμοποιώντας τα παρακάτω στοιχεία επικοινωνίας. Θα σας δοθεί ένα Έντυπο Πληροφόρησης Συμμετεχόντων, το οποίο αναλύει την έρευνά μου περαιτέρω και θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να κάνετε ερωτήσεις πριν απαντήσετε για το αν συναινείτε για τη συμμετοχή σας στην έρευνα.

 Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας

Ερευνήτρια: Aneirin Pendragon
Prof Jason König (Supervisor)
Dr Ralph Anderson (Supervisor)

Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας: Aneirin Pendragon
+44 (0)1334 462600

Καθηγητής Jason König (Επιβλέπων)
+44 (0)1334 462600

Dr Ralph Anderson (Επιβλέπων)
+44 (0)1334 462600

Happening this Weekend!

The sixth annual Mystic South Conference will take place July 26-28, 2024! Mystic South is filled with workshops, educational abstract presentations, rituals, community building, and much more. With the backdrop of the grand city of Atlanta, be a part of our celebration of the diversity of the peoples and religious practices, both past and present, that make up the Southern US region.

This year’s headliners at the conference are Morgan Daimler, Sen Elias, and Wendy Mata,

Last-minute information is available on the Conference website.

Upcoming Conferences and Events


Green Spirit Festival

Celebrate the first harvest of the year at Circle Sanctuary’s annual 3-day Green Spirit Festival from Friday, August 2nd to Sunday, August 4th at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin.

The sacred wheel has turned and brought us to the season of the First Harvest. As summer begins to wane and fall begins, we’ll reflect on what we have sown and reaped.  Join us as we gather to celebrate our harvests with a special concert on Friday night by Pagan folk musician and bard, Mama Gina.

Workshops, family programming, mindful nature walks, and a labyrinth will take place throughout the weekend. On Saturday, a hybrid workshop, Sacred Oak Magic will be offered both online and in-person. In this workshop, Rev. Selena Fox will explore Oak lore, ceremonies, symbology, and divinities associated with Oak trees along with ritual uses of Oak leaves, acorns, and wood.

Registration is required and the deadline to secure your spot is Wednesday, July 31st. You can register for one, two or all three days with options to attend the concert only for $25 and the online workshop on Sacred Oak magic for $20. Cost of in-person attendance for the full event is $135 for adults. To register, or to learn more, please the conference site.

Circle Sanctuary is a non-profit international Nature Spirituality resource center and legally recognized Nature Spirituality church.  Founded in 1974, Circle helps people from many spiritual orientations connect with each other as well as with the spiritual dimensions of Nature.


Southern California Divination Conference

Anaheim, CA – Mark your calendars and secure your tickets, divination enthusiasts! The Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers (COMPASS) is thrilled to present the 2nd Annual Southern California Divination Conference, an exclusive event that will immerse Southern California in mystical insights and spiritual connections!

The portals will open on August 24, 2024, at our new location, the Crown Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa, CA. This year, our theme is Dispelling Myths, Rumors, and Fantasies of Divination.

Join us for a transformative journey into the realm of the mystical, where seasoned practitioners and curious novices will explore ancient arts, modern techniques, and everything in between.

This year’s speakers include a diverse range of experts such as Thalassa, Jennifer Morris, Orion Foxwood, Juliet Kurth, and many more. Whether you’re drawn to Tarot, astrology, runes, or other forms of divination, this conference promises to ignite your intuition and deepen your connection to the unseen forces guiding our lives.

Don’t miss out on our early Bird Tickets, available online for just $75 and including a buffet lunch. On the day of the event, tickets will be $80 at the door. Secure your tickets through the COMPASS website before August 18 to enjoy this special offer.

Take advantage of this opportunity to immerse yourself in a weekend of magic, wisdom, and community. Save the date and get ready to unlock the mysteries of the universe at the 2nd Annual Southern California Divination Conference!


Bacchus Twerking

In the latest episode of Tourists Behaving Badly in Italy, an unidentified tourist was caught on camera kissing, humping, and grinding against a replica statue of Bacchus, the god of wine and sensuality, in Florence. The incident quickly went viral on social media and has sparked outrage from Italian officials.

Reactions to the incident on social media have ranged from outrage to ironic amusement. While some Pagans and commentators on social media reacted that this is precisely what Bacchus would expect of an adoring fan or worshiper, Italy’s culture ministry and Florence officials have expressed their anger, with the Florence mayor’s office condemning the act as a “mimicking of sex.”

via public social media


The city authorities are still trying to identify the tourist, who they suspect was “presumably inebriated” during the incident. If identified, she could face a fine and a lifetime ban from the city, according to local regulations designed to protect cultural heritage.

The statue in question is a replica of the 16th-century original by the sculptor Giambologna, who was inspired by Hellenistic and Michelangelo’s works. The original Bacchus is housed in the Bargello Museum, while the replica stands on a street corner near the Ponte Vecchio bridge.

Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte

Deck: Black Seed Tarot, by Theresa Hutch, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Knight of Cups

This week the emphasis is likely to be on hidden or untapped potential. What is visible on the surface is less likely to be fully representative of what lies beneath or at the heart of things. There may also be a need for viewing situations with an open heart and empathy.

In contrast, attempting to rush a decision or project can open the door for manipulation that plays on the emotions and results in faulty choices. In extreme situations, it might even lead to detrimental actions that are fueled by jealousy and completely divorced from reality.

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