Putin’s “Witch” detained by authorities

MOSCOW – A Russian Witch who became famous for casting spells to improve Putin’s fame and is founder of an organization called Империи сильнейших ведьм (Empires of the Strongest Witches) and международном университете магии и колдовства (the International University of Magic and Witchcraft) has been allegedly arrested on suspicion of extremism and fraud as well as insulting religious feelings and calling violence against the Russian Orthodox Church.

Алена Полынь (Alyona Polyn) whose secular name is Елена Суликова  (Elena Sulikova),  is a hereditary Witch acquiring her magical knowledge via her grandmother as she explains. She leads the organization “Empire of the Strongest Witches,” founded in 2015. The organization’s website offers magic courses, ritual paraphernalia (such as tambourines, masks, stones, and figures of Pagan deities), as well as witch bottles, candles, and ingredients for potions.

News reports have noted that she has been on reality television in Russia on shows like “Battle of Psychics” and “New Battle of Psychics”.

The Wild Hunt was not able to confirm Polyn’s participation in these shows.  Just prior to this story’s publication, TNT television released a statement on Telegram that “The TNT television channel can confirm that Alena Polyn did not participate in either the show “Battle of Psychics” or the project “New Battle of Psychics.”

Polyn has been active in supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin. The TASS news agency in Russia has referred to Polyn as “the main witch of Russia” and “Putin’s favorite witch.” She regularly appeared on television.

In 2019, Polyn gathered a group of Witches into a “circle of power” to imbue Putin with mystical energy.  “We have gathered here to make the world better off through Russia,” Polyn said. “Rise in greatness, power of Russia, direct the way of Vladimir Putin right and correctly throughout the word of mine… Whoever goes against him will find his death.”

Алена Полынь via Facebook


Since 2019, Polyn reportedly organized similar rituals with the support of the Moscow mayor’s office and the participation of some State Duma deputies. Polyn apparently had links to higher levels in Russian leadership even attempting to gain legislative approval for the activities of magicians and sorcerers in the Russian Federation.

Polyn has been vocal in supporting Russian soldiers in Russia’s war on Ukraine. Polyn has been awarded certificates of gratitude by the Russian Armed Forces for her “psychological support of the families of military personnel and the military personnel” and “for regular humanitarian assistance.”  The 8th Combined Army her “high zeal and diligence.”  Additionally, the Empire of the Strongest Witches website allows for donations to support Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

International University of Magic and Witchcraft logo – via Facebook


The details are sketchy and access to Russian sources is difficult, but according to reports, the Federal Security Bureau (FSB) detained an individual that news agencies like TASS later identified as Polyn.

According to investigators, from January 2020 to December 2023, the suspect sold and distributed “extremist literature containing calls for violence against clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church,” the FSB said in a statement. Additionally, the department noted that the suspect published a video online with “statements that humiliate the religious feelings of believers.” They added that the literature calls for assaults on Russian Orthodox priests.

Polyn is suspected of committing crimes under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation which refers to inciting hatred or enmity based on gender, race, religion, etc.), as well as part one of Article 148 (which refers to public actions intended to insult the religious feelings of believers).

The investigation was conducted following a statement by State Duma deputy Alexander Tolmachev from United Russia. The prosecutor’s office demanded that the International University of Magic and Witchcraft remove the word “university” from its name.

On the Russian social media site VK, reports said that Polyn’s home was raided by armed police who used a sledgehammer and crowbar to enter her reportedly “lavish” apartment full of magickal items.

Olga Vrady, Senior assistant head of the FSB for the Moscow regions said the suspect has “been charged with extremism and insulting the religious feelings of believers” after a petition was submitted to the Russian court for her arrest.  Vrady added that the charges may be increased once authorities have had an opportunity to review the articles confiscated in the raid.,

Poly reported took ill during the FSB’s raid and she was taken to hospital. Polyn’s social media accounts have been silent since her alleged detention.

Neither the International University of Magic and Witchcraft nor the Empire of Witches has released any comment.

The penalties for these offenses include imprisonment of up to six years for the former and up to one year for the latter.

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