Pagan Community Notes – Week of January 11, 2024

On January 14, 2024, New Orleans will mark the inaugural National Vodou Day. Drawing inspiration from the Voodoo Day festivities in Benin, the event will feature a procession adorned with offerings and prayers, concluding with a ritual held at the iconic Congo Square. The rich tapestry of Voodoo history in New Orleans resembles a spiritual gumbo, intertwining roots from Benin, infused with the indigenous practices of Bulbancha residents, and complemented by the influences of Haitian Vodou and other African Traditional Religions.

The event features Priestess Miriam and Priestess Lilith Dorsey who are two of the Culture Bearers of National Vodou Day.

Organizers shared that the event is inspired by similar celebrations in Benin.  In Ouidah, Benin, the National Vodun Day is observed on January 10th led by the Dagbo king. Originally, African and diaspora artists were commissioned to craft monuments commemorating significant locations along the Slave Route— the path traveled by captured people on their way to the beach where slave ships forced them to the Americas. During the National Vodun Day, a ceremonial procession unfolds at key points along this historical march.

The procession commences beneath a tree, the site of slave auctions then proceeds to the Tree of Forgetting. Here, participants circle the tree three times, a symbolic act intended to erase their sense of identity and origin. The journey continues to the Memorial of Repentance, dedicated to seeking forgiveness for ancestral complicity in the slave trade and extending a plea for absolution to the descendants of enslaved Africans in the diaspora.

Priestess Lilith Dorsey shared information about the event’s history and procession on YouTube:


More details about the event, the upcoming procession, and how to participate are available on the National Vodou Day website.

OUIDAH, Benin – The National Vodoun Festival (Fête du Vodoun) took place yesterday.  It is also called Traditional Day. and is a public holiday in the nation.  Ẹ̀dá Dúdú TV  shared images via Facebook of the festivities.



Rev. Torre Huffines is a Pagan-interfaith Minister in the Midwest.  Rev. Huffines recently posted a sermon to the Universal Life Church Monastery official sermons page and shared it with The Wild Hunt for re-publication.  Rev. Huffines noted that “this piece is written as a general response to the many oppositional pieces regarding Pagan values and culture I have recently seen published in the mainstream media.”

The rise of pagan traditions and a response to those who villainize it.

The last twenty years have seen a major shift in the religious landscape of the United States. Multiple studies, including the U.S Census and the PEW Research Center, have indicated a significant rise in the population of Americans who identify as Pagan, Wiccan, Or spiritual.  Many Americans, like myself, could see personal relief from these facts as they refortify the original premise of our country’s origin; A genesis borne from the liberty of religious freedom. Many voices, However, still choose to identify paganism as Devil worship, Disparate spiritual practices or, even fantasy. We, as a society, must come to see the multitude of pagan beliefs as nature-centered faiths that coordinate spiritual purpose and the benefit of nature with cultural tradition.

Given the many historic, nation-defining events that have occurred over the last decade alone, it is no surprise that many individuals have sought a different or even deeper connection to their faith in something more. Each of us, especially in times of trouble, would like something to believe in no matter if it is a divine being, the eminence of nature, or simply, other people. In terms of Wiccan and Pagan faith, we can specifically see a pattern between young Americans who find acceptance and empowerment through a spiritual system that promotes individualism. This is resoundingly true when considering members of the LGBTQIA+ community which have been historically welcome among these religious groups. Meanwhile, the total population of Christians has experienced both a shift and subtle decline throughout the country as many people have converted to other religions entirely and others now identify as non-denominational. Specifically in the numbers of certain groups such as Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian.

However, this is not without cause. The resurgence of pagan values, traditions, and teachings in our society have been largely dependent on the changes of the overall cultural landscape. This is especially true in terms of humanitarian and social aspects such as race, gender, culture, and religious expression. It may seem abstract to relay these factors in to the sudden change in beliefs and values. Yet, as these aspects have been expounded in society, so has the mindset of Americans and their corresponding values on morality, virtue, and tradition expanded to include the diversity of as many walks of life as possible. Many individuals have come to disassociate with the classic narrative of American identity, centered on Christian civil theology, in exchange for what they feel is an authentic representation of their ancestral history, traditions, culture, and additionally their right to be represented in U.S. government and society.

It is vital to point out the pivotal growth of the pagan and nature-faith community because many opponents to religious diversity condemn their personal ideas of pagan values. Additionally, the growth and rise of these beliefs represent a profound shift in values. As people politically lean more towards environmental awareness, social equity, and economic freedom for all people they also seek out a spiritual system that can honor and uphold those values. Paganism and Nature-faith religion allow these values to stay at the forefront of spiritual expression and further unite the individual with their environment, community, and a pragmatic belief system centered on the world in which they actually live. Finally, many people have come to identify some of the most critical issues in our nation stemming from the ideology of Christo-centric politicians that adhere Christian dichotomy with public policy. Some firm examples include the ethos surrounding abortion, gay marriage, education, immigration, and state’s rights which have all included rhetoric derived from extreme Christian values. More yet, many Christians themselves identify the same biases as being the cause for many turning away from the church and mainstream Christian ideology.

The rise of paganism is not a cause for concern, it is an inevitable return to the authentic traditions of the past. The change, I believe, is not wholly based on the religions but, the individual who seeks something greater than the narratives they have been given on the past. As the populace becomes generally more insightful about the effects of history, they naturally come to identify Christianity and Catholicism as underpinning agents of the colonial era. Likewise, those who turn to pagan or wiccan beliefs do so with a shared and universal intent to feel realized in the power and flow of life, to honor the natural world in which they originate, and to show equity in a world taught and directed to withhold compassion. It is my belief that this resurgence, regardless of ignorant views of Paganism, will create a universal message to spiritualist everywhere that any faith of humanity must include a reverence for nature, our ancestral past and its wisdom, and the knowledge that life in every aspect should move beyond mundanity into spiritual purpose.

The Wild Hunt is grateful for the recent support. 

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Upcoming Events

Turning the Tide 17: “Crafting the Magick” Festival is happening the weekend of February 2nd – 4th, 2024. Have you reserved your spot yet? Come join Everglades Moon Local Council as we celebrate our 17th year hosting Turning the Tide. This wonderful little festival happens yearly in Northern Miami-Dade County and is full of great workshops like learning to plarn (plastic yarn) and the basics of wood burning, rituals including ou Main Ritual on Saturday night, and events like a concert by Aerik Arkadian and Potluck Dinner on Saturday. Want to join us? Go to Turning the Tide 17 “Crafting the Magick” Reservation Form and We invite you to reserve your spot today.

The Polk County Pagan Market (PCPM) has announced dates for  2024 that we are excited to share.

More Pagan Outreach, and more educational workshops all at no cost, we have added LGBTQIA+ reps so that we may do more in that area as well. We are also going on the road to host a variety of “On The Road ” events for 2024 and 2025.

In 2023, Polk County Pagan Market became a center of debate between both Pagans and Christians throughout the state of Texas as a local pastor threatened the market with a backlash. The next Polk Pagan will take place at the Imbolc Festival on January 27, 2024, in Livingston TX at Pedigo Park.  Following that event, the Ostara Festival will take place on March 9,  2024, in Livingston TX at the same location.

Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte*

Deck: Cats Rule The Earth Tarot, illustrated by Thiago Correa, written by Catherine Davidson, published by Abrams Image.

Card: Major arcana, (X) Wheel of Fortune

The next seven days are likely to have a focus on the ability to find the balance point in an ever-changing landscape. While there is the potential for lucky encounters and opportunities, outcomes are difficult to predict and the ability to respond quickly but carefully to sudden shifts will be key.

Conversely, there is the possibility of unforeseen obstacles and complications with projected plans. New projects and ventures are likely to become bogged down and stagnant.

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