MIAMI – Last week, The Wild Hunt conducted a non-scientific poll to gauge the opinions of its readers regarding the upcoming U.S. Presidential election. Although the poll lacked the formal sampling techniques used in political polling, the responses provided valuable insights into the political landscape within our Pagan community.
Research on the Pagan community, which includes groups like Wiccans, Druids, and NeoPagans, reveals a diverse spectrum of political beliefs. The community often leans toward progressive values, advocating for environmentalism, social justice, and anti-establishment ideals. However, Dr. Kathleen Marchetti, who has studied the political engagement of Pagans, notes that while Pagans generally support issues like LGBTQ rights and environmental protection, they tend to have lower levels of party affiliation and voter registration compared to the general population.

Image credit: amberzen via Pixabay
“Analyses show that Pagan religious identity shapes political views and behavior despite the varied and decentralized nature of Paganism,” Marchetti wrote in 2021 article published in the Journal Politics and Religion. “Overall, Pagans are relatively liberal and supportive of issues common across Pagan traditions like the environment and LGBTQ rights. However, Pagans are somewhat less politically engaged than non-Pagans as evidenced by their lower levels of party identity and voter registration.”
Nevertheless, there are significant portions of the Pagan community who hold culturally conservative views.
Poll Results: Political Leanings and Key Issues
The Wild Hunt’s poll received 187 responses from readers across nearly all U.S. states, with the exception of Alaska and Mississippi. The religious identities of respondents were diverse: 35% identified as Pagan, 26% as Witch or Wiccan, with Heathens, Asatru, polytheists, and “other” making up about 10% each.
In terms of candidate support, 87% of respondents favored the Harris/Walz ticket, 6% backed Trump/Vance, and the remainder supported third-party candidates. Notably, 55% of participants had already voted, while another 40% expressed strong intentions to vote.
When asked about the most important issues influencing their votes, respondents identified several priorities. Abortion rights emerged as the top concern, with nearly 87% of participants selecting it. Other frequently mentioned issues included religious freedom, LGBTQ2SI+ rights, climate change, and healthcare, each selected by around 70% of respondents.
Election Anxiety and Tensions
Election-related anxiety was a recurring theme in the poll’s open comment section, reflecting broader trends reported by mental health professionals. According to Duke psychologist Bryan Sexton, stress surrounding the election can stem from the brain’s focus on perceived threats, heightened by emotionally charged political ads and divisive rhetoric.
In swing states, where voters are exposed to relentless political advertising, anxiety is especially acute. One reader expressed the toll of election season, writing, “I am a ball of constant anxiety, I just want to be allowed to live and not fear for everyone I love. Calling every willing deity out there right now.”
Another reader shared their experience as a queer woman, saying, “I’m exhausted by elections feeling (and being) such a life or death thing. I’d like to know I’ll be ok no matter what, but I will not feel safe if Trump wins.”
While most responses leaned progressive, some participants voiced conservative concerns. One reader called for the removal of “woke ideology,” and expressed fears that the Democratic Party might lose support among women due to controversial policies on gender identity.
However, fears about the rise of Christian nationalism and authoritarianism were more common. “First time I have ever been terrified of the ‘wrong’ results,” wrote one respondent. “It would negatively affect so many people, including Pagans.”
Another echoed this sentiment, stating, “This is the clearest choice yet between an oligarchical pseudo-democracy and outright fascist, genocidal autocracy.”
Several readers also expressed concerns about potential violence. One participant wrote, “We as a nation need to be prepared for another coup by Donald [Trump]. We also have to be prepared for things to get worse than they were on January 6, 2021.”
For some, these fears were deeply personal. “I can’t imagine the horror of living in a country governed by the likes of Trump and Vance. I’m almost 89 years old, so I don’t expect to live another four years, but I really worry about what my son, daughter, and granddaughter might have to face,” wrote one older respondent.
Despite the varied views, many respondents shared a common anxiety about what lies ahead. One reader observed, “I think there are a lot of quiet Harris/Walz votes, especially in states considered ‘red’ or possibly red like mine. Even though I think (and hope) that Harris will win, the stress and anxiety are like a physical presence for many of us.”
As Election Day approaches, it’s clear that members of the Pagan community in the United States are feeling the weight of this pivotal moment. A few readers forecast that Harris will win, but they would not offer much confidence in that statement.
One of our readers went further and shared an astrological analysis, “This is close to being a 2000/2020 election where the winner is not who got into office. I pray that I am wrong. Uranus is also in Taurus (retrograde) and when last in Taurus (1934-42 there was a rise in dictatorships, war, and suppression). I am cautiously optimistic.”
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