Türkiye announces the restoration of the Temple of Athena

ISTANBUL – Last month, Türkiye announced the future restoration of the Temple of Hecate.  This month, the nation announced that the Temple of Athena will join the Temple of Apollo in full restoration and will open to the public soon.

Athena, also known as Athene or Pallas Athena, was one of the most significant deities in ancient Greek religion and remains so in modern Hellenic spiritual practices.

Athena was revered as the goddess of wisdom, warfare, strategy, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, and arts and crafts. Athena was also regarded as a protector of the city, particularly the city of Athens, which was named in her honor. Athena embodies both wisdom and warfare, making her a unique deity who combined intellectual prowess with martial skills. Unlike Ares, the god of war who represented the chaotic and brutal aspects of battle, Athena represented strategic warfare, rationality, and the defense of cities and civic values.

The Parthenon in Athens is the most prominent temple to Athena.  However, devotion to the goddess was witnessed throughout the ancient world, and temples to her exist throughout the Mediterranean.

Side, Turkiye [Photo Credit: Maksym Kozlenko CCA-SA 4.0

The Temple of Athena, a once-overlooked treasure in the historic city of Side in Antalya, Türkiye, was one such temple and is now experiencing a remarkable restoration that has revitalized its ancient grandeur. Known for its rich historical tapestry dating back to the seventh century B.C., Side was a pivotal port city in the Pamphylia region. While the nearby Temple of Apollo has long been a mainstay in Türkiye’s tourism imagery, the Temple of Athena is now emerging from its shadow, drawing attention from historians and visitors alike.

The restoration, which began in earnest in 2023 as part of an environmental project, has transformed the site. Now, twenty of the temple’s ancient columns stand tall once again, a testament to the expertise and dedication of the restoration teams. The Antalya Directorate of Surveying and Monuments is leading this extensive project, which not only aims to preserve the temple but also to enhance its appeal as a tourist destination. Veysel Akın, the director of the Surveying and Monuments Directorate, shared insights into the painstaking efforts that have gone into bringing the Temple of Athena back to life.

“At the start of the restoration, only one column was standing, and even that lacked a capital. Today, twenty columns have been restored, with four specifically on the northeast section,” Akın explained. “The capitals and other architectural elements have been reinstated, and steel rings reinforce the columns to ensure structural stability.” Each piece incorporated into the restoration has been verified as an original component of the temple, ensuring that the historical integrity of the site remains intact.

The restoration project is part of a broader initiative called “Heritage for the Future,” which aims to preserve and illuminate Türkiye’s cultural treasures. Once complete, the Temple of Athena will be illuminated for nighttime viewing, offering a new experience for visitors who can explore the temple under the stars. This initiative reflects a growing interest in blending historical preservation with tourism, allowing visitors to appreciate Türkiye’s ancient heritage in a contemporary context.

The Sacred Port Area

The Temple of Athena is just one part of a larger sacred complex known as the “Harbor Sacred Area” or the “Temples Area.” This region, as revealed by ongoing research, is home to more than just the temples of Athena and Apollo. Dr. Feriştah Alanyalı, the head of excavations in Side, emphasized that the area contains additional cultic sites, adding layers of historical and religious significance to the port city’s landscape.

“Recent research has shown that this area includes sacred spaces beyond the temples. The first excavations began in 1947, and the recent restoration work, with significant support from the ministry, has made it one of the most critical projects within the ‘Heritage for the Future’ initiative,” Alanyalı said.

The recent discoveries have shifted perceptions about the site, demonstrating that it served as a major religious hub for the region. The uncovering of authentic marble steps on the temple’s eastern façade has been a highlight of the project. These steps, meticulously restored with marble dust and mortar, offer a glimpse into the temple’s original splendor.

Temple Complex Photo Credit: via Antalya Tourism


Türkiye has a storied history of architectural and archaeological preservation, often focusing on ensuring that each element used in restorations maintains the authenticity of the original structure. According to Akın, “The architectural elements had been verified as belonging to the Athena Temple and incorporated into the approved restoration plan. We are raising the original columns that were identified as part of the temple, and missing parts were filled in using marble dust and mortar.”

However, the path to restoring the Temple of Athena has not been without challenges. During the 19th century, locals used stones from the temple for lime production, causing significant damage. As a result, many of the temple’s elements were lost. Despite these losses, the restoration team has made a concerted effort to utilize as many original components as possible, preserving the authenticity and historical significance of the site.

While the Temple of Apollo has long been a prominent feature in Turkish tourism promotions, the restoration of the Temple of Athena promises to diversify the region’s tourist offerings. Alanyalı noted, “The Apollo Temple is one of the most used images in Türkiye’s tourism promotion. It is one of the first places visitors want to see when they come to Side, attracting crowds at all times of the day. The restoration projects are a source of pride not only for us but for the visitors as well.”

With the completion of the Temple of Athena restoration imminent, tourists will soon have the opportunity to explore two iconic ancient sites in Side. The planned nighttime illumination of the Temple of Athena will not only enhance the visitor experience but also provide an opportunity to appreciate the site in a new light—literally. Once completed, the restoration is expected to attract both seasoned travelers and those discovering Türkiye’s ancient history for the first time.

The restoration of the Temple of Athena marks an important milestone in Türkiye’s ongoing efforts to celebrate and preserve its rich cultural heritage. By bringing new life to this ancient temple, Türkiye continues to offer visitors a chance to step back in time and connect with the country’s historical roots. The temple stands as a symbol of resilience and renewal, its ancient columns once again reaching skyward, inviting travelers to experience the beauty and wonder of Side’s sacred past.

The ministry noted that the Temple of Athena, standing tall once again, is more than just a tourist attraction; it’s a gateway to understanding the ancient world and a testament to Türkiye’s dedication to celebrating and safeguarding its historical treasures.

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