Pagan Community Notes: Week of August 29, 2024

TWH –  A few weeks ago, The Wild Hunt covered a story warning Pagan travelers to or transiting through Tajikistan that the nation had become the latest country to expand penalties for witchcraft practices. The move appears intended to protect people who have become addicted to prayer and other practices, including, according to Tajik officials, Witchcraft and tarot readings.

Tajik authorities announced future stricter penalties for violations of laws related to occult practices. The Interior Ministry then classified individuals involved in such activities as fraudsters. According to the law enforcement agency, those who earn a living through fraudulent means, including witchcraft, fortune-telling, selling talismans or amulets, or conducting unauthorized religious instruction, could face up to six months of forced labor.

Tajikstan announced yesterday that it would double down on efforts to eliminate witchcraft and sorcery within its border by also targeting clients or anyone who pays for such services.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced in a press release yesterday:

As a result of operational and preventive checks, it was established that some citizens believe in witchcraft, go to fortune tellers and sorcerers, pay them to commit criminal acts and trust their predictions.

In the last month alone, more than 150 such persons have been added to the list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and legal measures are being taken against them.

In this regard, in the future, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, in order to prevent such violations, will also invite all citizens who go to fortune tellers and sorcerers to the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, materials will be compiled about them and placed in the card index of the Ministry of Internal Affairs along with their photographs.

The ministry did not specify the legal action but stated that it plans to gather data and photographs of individuals visiting fortune-tellers and sorcerers. Tajikistan has cautioned that fortune-tellers and similar figures are fraudsters aiming to trick people out of their money.

The new move has alarmed human rights groups. In addition to the latest announcement,  the Tajik government has also banned clothing deemed foreign to Tajik culture, likely referring to Islamic attire such as the hijab. Tajikistan’s efforts to regulate religious expression are part of a broader campaign against extremism.

There are widely held and deeply ingrained beliefs in the supernatural that the government feels could threaten stability.


Witches played by Anna Rudenko, Anastasiia Rula and Kateryna Artemenko [Courtesy: Ivan Frank Theater

KYIV, Ukraine –  Witches have taken center stage in Ukraine in a dark musical comedy that has captivated the nation. The story, inspired by the 1833 satirical fiction of Ukrainian writer Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko, humorously critiques the tendency of Ukrainian literature to dwell on sadness and tragedy. Set in the 1600s, it follows Zabryokha, a Cossack military leader, as he embarks on a futile quest to rid himself of witches he blames for his misfortunes.

The fast-paced, witty, hour-and-a-half production titled The Witch of Konotop reportedly dazzles the audience with intricate Ukrainian folk costumes and powerful vocals set to traditional Ukrainian music.  Performances have been selling out all summer at the Ivan Franko Theater.  NPR has more.

Our readers may recall the famous woman from Konotop at the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine:  “Guys, do you know where you are?! It’s Konotop. Here every second woman is a witch. Tomorrow you’ll no longer be able to get your d*ck to stand.”  She then gives the seeds to carry in their pockets so sunflowers will grow on their bodies.

The woman’s use of the Konotop Witch was a reference to the play in Kyiv.


The Sacred Path – via Patrick McCollum [Facebook]

Patrick McCollum is a prominent American spiritual leader, author, and advocate for religious freedom, particularly within the context of minority religions. He is a Wiccan priest and has played a significant role in advancing the rights of Pagan and other minority religious practitioners, especially within the U.S. prison system.

McCollum gained national attention through his work as a chaplain, where he advocated for equal rights for inmates of all faiths. He was involved in a landmark legal case against the California Department of Corrections, challenging the system’s bias towards Christian chaplains and the lack of accommodations for Pagan inmates.

Beyond his legal advocacy, McCollum has been involved in interfaith work, serving as a bridge between various religious communities. He has been recognized for his efforts to promote peace, understanding, and environmental stewardship, and has received several awards for his humanitarian work. His work emphasizes the importance of spiritual freedom and the inclusion of diverse religious perspectives in public life.

McCollum previously announced that a Hollywood documentary is currently being filmed about his life, focusing on my efforts to save the Amazon and his work with  Indigenous Peoples globally to promote world peace.

Greetings Dear Friends🙏
As many of you know, a Hollywood documentary has been being filmed about my life and about my work to save the Amazon and also about my work toward uniting Indigenous People worldwide and bringing about world peace.
Gabe Polsky, the Director for the film, contacted me last week and he shared with me that the movie is now in its final cut, and that he is sharing it with various studios and promoters. He told me that people in the industry think that it’s a fantastic film, and that we now start the process of sharing it at film festivals and in executive meetings.
In my wildest dreams, I never thought that anyone would be making a major movie about me. All of the work that I’ve done has simply been done in service. I just happen to be very good at what I do, and I have had many significant successes over the years, and many pretty amazing adventures along the way.
The executives viewing the footage, are commenting that I am the real Indiana Jones which is something of a kick, and that they think that that is how people will view me after seeing the movie.
In any case, it’s been a real experience being the subject of a movie. Being filmed by film crews for three years, and having some of my deeply personal moments actually captured on film, has been both intimidating, but also hopeful.
I think that we each want to matter in this crazy world that we all live in. I don’t know about each of you, but I long ago decided to live life to its fullest, and to contribute as best as I could to both my community and also to our planet. I am a believer that each of us have the power to make a difference, and that there is still a lot wrong with the way that some of our people and some of our leaders steer things the wrong way, out of greed or the lust for power.
I figure that if a man or a woman can rise to power to become a Vladimir Putin type, and amass the power to put the whole world in crisis, then someone like you or I can become just as powerful of an opposing force for good.
I have dedicated my life towards creating a better world where every person is appreciated for the sacred gifts that they bring to the world, and I can say, that I have accomplished far more than I ever dreamed of.
I will keep everyone posted about my documentary. I haven’t seen it myself, and the Director specifically has kept me from seeing it. But good or bad, I am simply blown away that anyone would care enough to have captured my life’s work.
The Director says the message of the film is that an ordinary person with all of life’s challenges, can do extraordinary things if they choose to, and that sometimes forces that are far beyond our understanding join in and make miracles happen.
Gabe hopes that my story will inspire others to step forward in the future , and he also hopes that my story will bolster our belief in a higher power, which in the end, supports good over evil 🙏
I leave for the Amazon once again on September 15th to meet with Indigenous Elders from all across the region. I hope that that meeting will be the turning point toward a brighter future.
May peace prevail on earth 🙏


The ever-amazing Dr. Sabina Magliocco was interviewed by Florida hosts Dr. Dom Tartaglia, the State Folklorist for the Florida Department of State, and Daisy Ahlstone on YouTube for their show Folkwise.  They wrote, “Folklorist and Mother of Possums, Sabina Magliocco is making her much-requested debut on Folklwise! In an interview so POWERFUL, the show stream can’t contain it (her power goes out!) But before that she talks to Dom and Daisy about myths as living narratives in Neo-Pagan communities, filming the spiritual imagination, and how she walks between worlds.”


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EBSAT Meeting 5:00 pm PDT to 5:30 pm PDT – Selena Fox “Greening the End of Life”  (September 9, 2024)

As people who see the Earth as sacred many of us are called to have a green funeral.  As the Director of Circle Cemetery, one of the first Green cemeteries in North America, Rev. Selena Fox has creative ideas on “Greening the End of Life: Green Burial & Green Cemeteries.”  Join us to learn some of your options. This is the link to Join Zoom Meeting or, from Zoom,  Meeting ID: 890 3027 2698 Pw: CCL

Western Mass Pagan Pride Day (September 28, 2024)

Since 2000, Western MA Pagan Pride Day is one of many Pagan Pride Day events that take place worldwide. As a nonprofit organization, we strive to establish awareness of earth-centered spiritual traditions in our local communities. People of all faiths (or none) and walks of life are invited to join us on Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 10:00 am through 6:00 pm.  There is no admission fee to the event; however, we ask that you bring a cash donation for our charity drive. We will be collecting cash donations for our favorite charity the Northampton Survival Center.

You can come expecting to find information about paganism in many of its forms, experience an open harvest ritual, musical entertainment, workshops (classes), and many vendors for a fun, family-friendly, community-driven event. There are several restaurants and cafes in the area so plan to come and stay a while! Check out our website for more info on workshops, performers, and ongoing events.

This year we will be in downtown Northampton in the plaza at Kirkland Ave where the Tuesday Farmers Market takes place. This is between the Parking Garage and the back of Thorne’s Marketplace. There are new parking rules for the City of Northampton. Please see here for updates.

Note that the Armory Street lot which faces the plaza no longer has a 3-hour limit Mon-Sat. You can also park in the garage that overlooks our site; the cost is only .75/hour and the first hour is always free.

More info on Facebook and Instagram.


Twilight Covening  (October 11-14, 2024)

The Earthspirit Community announced the Twilight Covening event last month and that they  “have already filled more than half of the available spaces!  Thank you. It feels good to know that so many want to attend again this year.”

They said “Again, we are prioritizing Clan assignments by week so that everyone has a reasonable chance of getting into one of their top choices. The first week filled up one Clan already, but there is space in many others – and frankly, all of the Clans that are on offer will provide something special to those who attend.”

The Earth Spirit Community wrote,

Twilight Covening is a continuous  3-day ritual that holds and shapes an intensive learning experience of Earth spirituality and a time to develop our collective wisdom in a shared sacred space as we move into the dark time of the year.

Each year since 1986, members of the EarthSpirit Community gather deep into ourselves and into communion with this time of year and with all of Nature. We explore the depths of a range of spiritual practices, learn new skills together and experience the joy and power of a living community ritual. We invite you to join us.

Twilight Covening is held in the autumn during the strong natural transition taking place all around us from light into dark, summer into winter, and outward focus to inward contemplation. During the gathering, we use this current of change, along with our focused practices, to find inspiration and insight that can feed us in the dark months to come and motivate us to make changes that we can use to deepen our own spiritual practice.

The intensive work of Twilight Covening takes place in practice-specific Clans of 10-15 people and in full-community rituals that flow together through the weekend.

More information is available on the EarthSpirit website.

Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte

Deck: The Colorful Tears Tarot, by Rebecca Schoenecker, published by Laughing Eye Weeping Eye Publications.

Card: Major arcana XX (20) – Awakening

This week is likely to offer up elements of rebirth, renewal, and a major shift in perspective. There may also be a focus on choosing to shed past restraints, stepping fully into accepting oneself, and allowing that unique inner light to shine brightly for all to see. The principles of liberation and justice may also figure prominently this week.

Conversely, fear of being judged and not being accepted can result in continuing to avoid stepping up and into one’s own full potential. There is likely to be an emphasis on self-evaluation and revisiting the past in order to move past the challenges that are functioning as roadblocks.

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