The Fire & Ice community announced their governing board for a new religious nonprofit, the Fellowship of Fire & Ice! They wrote, “Last summer the leadership of the Fire & Ice community announced our goal of organizing ourselves as a formal religious organization, with non-profit status, so we can more effectively support the members of our growing spiritual community, better manage our resources, and provide our members with the means to effectively meet the challenges of the world around us. We are pleased to announce we have taken a major step forward in this process and have convened a provisional governing board to serve as the executive board for the growing Fellowship of Fire & Ice.”
They noted that their next major goals are to finish filling out our governing board, continue organizing our first-ever Althing, get filed for nonprofit status, and build a resilient, inclusive community that can better serve our members and the advancement of inclusive Heathenry and Paganism.
More information is available on their website.
Editorial note: Congratulations, Fellowship of Fire & Ice!
Doc Murphy shared that CAMP – The Cultural Archive of Modern Paganism is now a working 501c3, and has received four grants for historical research, archiving, and oral history collection. We have a council and an advisory board.
From their mission statement,
The Cultural Archive of Modern Paganism exists to preserve, interpret, and promote the history and culture of the contemporary Pagan community as it exists in the United States.
Through the acquisition of historical evidence and ongoing research, we will document our community and its unique cultural and spiritual nature. Our collections will be held in a digital repository, available in its entirety to researchers, with curated informative and educational materials made available to the public through our website.
In these ways we seek to promote the discipline of Pagan studies and add to our community’s sense of identity by providing access to the foundations of its past.
CAMP added in their annual report that “in 2023 the Cultural Archive of Modern Paganism (CAMP) incorporated as a non-profit entity to be able to continue the work started with the Wiccan Church of Minnesota in 2000. Within its first year CAMP formed a Board of Directors, was granted 501c(3) status, and received two Legacy Amendment grants from the Minnesota Historical Society. Through our efforts, we have continued to work towards our goals to better preserve the past and serve our community.”
Editorial note: Congratulations, CAMP!

The Planet Mercury via NASA
Mercury will enter retrograde motion at the end of the weekend on April 1, 2024, in the sign of Aries. Mercury retrograde is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward in its orbit relative to Earth. It is essentially an optical illusion caused by the differences in the orbits of Earth and Mercury around the Sun. Mercury retrograde typically happens three to four times a year, each time lasting for about three weeks.
Astrologically, Mercury is associated with communication, technology, travel, and intellect. When Mercury is retrograde, it’s believed that these areas of life may be influenced in various ways. Astrologers tell us that during Mercury retrograde periods, there can be misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, delays, technological glitches, and other disruptions. As a result, many individuals choose to be more cautious in their communication, travel plans, and decision-making during a mercury retrograde event. Astrologer Susan Levitt wrote “Keep communication channels clear because this full Moon begins the one-week shadow period before Mercury retrograde April 1 – 25 which can lead to mixed messages. Focus on your communication, and keep loved ones on the same page with you.”
Happening this weekend!
Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Wicca (ATC) is holding its annual Spring Mysteries Festival this weekend:
Meanwhile, on the US East Coast, the Sacred Space Conference is taking place. “The Sacred Space Conference is the premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners. Meeting in the Washington, DC/Baltimore area, each year our featured teachers and a host of highly qualified regional teachers offer a wide variety of workshops and rituals developed for a more advanced audience. Our attendees tell us that they are particularly grateful for the opportunity to pursue their continuous development in the company of their peers across many magical traditions.”
The conference is taking place just north of Baltimore where the disaster at the Francis Scott Key Bridge took place. There is an ongoing investigation but what is known at the time of writing is that the cargo ship Dali lost power on its way out of Baltimore Harbor ramming into the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The bridge collapsed. It was closed moments earlier from a mayday distress message from the ship however work crews on the bridge did not manage to escape. Six workers are presumed dead, and two of their bodies have been recovered.
The Sacred Spac Conference announced “The Key Bridge tragedy of March 26th is heavy on all our hearts. An open chapel space for paying respects, processing feelings, grieving, and offering energy for healing will be available starting at 9:30 PM on Thursday, March 28th, in Lindsay B/C. Please feel welcome to bring items to add to the altar. Ron Padrón of White Rose Witching is hosting this space.”
What is remembered, Lives!
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Adocentyn Research Library
The Adocentyn Research Library announced, “We now have over 18,000 books on the shelves! The eighteen-thousandth book was “The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu (and Their Race to Save the World’s Most Precious Manuscripts)” by Joshua Hammer (Simon and Schuster, 2016). It seemed an appropriate title to be the eighteen-thousandth one. It goes in the first section on our shelves – Libraries.”
They also added “We have recently expanded Fiction to include Comics (starting with collections Dr. Strange, Sandman, Hellblazer, Promethea, and others) and Role-Playing Games (starting with Ars Magica by Atlas Games and soon to include Mage, Nephilim, and Pendragon). We will be growing our Special Collections of Tarot & other Oracular Decks, Board Games, Film, Toys, and other expressions of Neopagan culture.”
The purpose of the Adocentyn Research Library is to collect, archive, preserve, and make available information related to Paganism—understood as all Indigenous, tribal, polytheistic, Nature-based, and Earth-centered religions, spiritualities, beliefs, practices, and cultures around the world and throughout human history. This includes a broad range of information on Pagan diversity, history, beliefs, adherents, organizations, and many related areas of study for use by researchers, scholars, and the general public.
The library recently announced its re-opening. TWH has full coverage.
Drew MacEwan is a Heathen artist who shared this with The Wild Hunt, ” This document is a set of printable master pages for you to use to build your own grimoire or book of shadows. Print as many as you need of each sheet and keep them in a binder for ease of organization. The main pages note the time, date, and conditions as well as participants and intent. Also included are pages to detail your working and altar set up. Additionally, there are correspondence pages so you can start creating your magical reference library.” The document is a free offering and something that might be helpful to offer in a training circle.
Upcoming Events
Ivo Dominguez Jr. announced a 3-day summit called Shield and Spell: A Gathering for Witches, Healers, and Empaths. The summit will cover spiritual protection and defensive magic from April 2nd to 4th, 2024. They write “Shield & Spell Summit is here to guide you through these challenges and answer your questions with wisdom from seasoned practitioners. Join us to deepen your knowledge in auric protection and defensive magic.”
The event includes Chaos Magic by Azariel Flame, Crystal Magic with Nicholas Pearson, Anti-Vampire Wards with Alexa Branco, Auric Clearing workshop series with Wendy Mata, and a Zoom Q&A panel with Sen Elias from New Orleans City Crescent Conjure, Ivo Domingues the author of The Four Elements Of The Wise, Nicholas Pearson the Author of The Seven Archeotype Stones, and Aunt Carla the founder of The Red Soul Flower.
Details are available on the Shield and Spell Summit website.
IshtarFest is back!
TWH received word that “We are continuing Ishtarfest as an international virtual conference.” This year’s theme is “Passion & Strength: Sheroes & Heroes.” The content of this festival is Sumerian/Mesopotamian-based so that we can immerse ourselves and learn about our pagan roots in the fertile crescent. You do not have to be a practitioner of Mesopotamian/Sumerian Reconstructionism, though you will meet some at this festival for sure. The festival is open to all who wish to learn more about religious practices, myths, and beliefs 5000 years ago.
The organizers wrote: ” We have so many new presentations for you. There are opportunities for additional presentations.
Interested? Please submit a proposal.
This is Inanna and the gods of Mesopotamia; their passions run deep. In addition to traditional spirituality, feel free to explore deeper aspects of sexuality and body-positive empowerment. No nudity, but otherwise, let your imagination wander.
We encourage you and/or your group to write a class, a ritual, a cooking demonstration, perform music, or present any themed spiritual offering surrounding Sumerian mythology and culture.”
This is a virtual festival visit their website for additional information.
Circle Sanctuary’s Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG) is one of America’s oldest and largest Nature Spirituality festivals. Since 1980, PSG has been bringing together Pagans of many paths and places to create community, celebrate the summer solstice, and commune with nature in a sacred environment.
Registration is now open for the 2024 Pagan Spirit Gathering, a national weeklong celebration of Summer Solstice, being held June 16-23 in south central Missouri, USA. This year’s theme is Resonating Radiance.
Pagan Spirit Gathering, also known as PSG, brings together Pagans of many paths and places to create and live in a magickal village community. The Gathering includes rituals, workshops, concerts, merchanting, bonfires, drumming, candlelight labyrinth, Pagan Leadership Institute, life passages programs, and other activities. Learn more & register
The Delmarva Pagan Pride Festival will be offered June 30th, 2024 rain or shine at the Dover, DE outdoor Legislative Mall. This incredible day of classes, music, ritual, and shopping is offered to the community at no cost but we do encourage bringing a canned good donation for the local food bank which can be dropped off at the information desk. Please see our Facebook page for guest announcements and schedule releases. All are welcome, hope to see you there!
The Mystic South Conference announced that the sixth annual event will take place July 26-28, 2024! Mystic South is filled with workshops, educational abstract presentations, rituals, community building, and much more. With the backdrop of the grand city of Atlanta, be a part of our celebration of the diversity of the peoples and religious practices, both past and present, that make up the Southern US region.
The conference also announced that their tickets are on sale. Get your tickets now and, get some for your friends, your neighbors, or just some random person you met on the street!
Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Guardian of the Night Tarot, by MJ Cullinane, published by Hay House, Inc.
Card: Page of Wands
The next seven days have the potential to offer signals that now is the time to move forward with a new idea or project. There is also likely to be an emphasis on creativity, and having the courage to implement outside-of-the-box thinking when it comes to expression.
Conversely, past failed projects may have been the result of poor execution or planning, and now may be a good time to revisit the original idea but with a fresh approach. Both confidence and the ability to see the bigger picture without limitation are key to breathing new life into an abandoned vision.
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