Pagan Community Notes: Week of August 21, 2023

CHICAGO – The 2023 Parliament of World’s Religion concluded on August 18, 2023.

The closing plenary was given by Shane Claiborne, co-founder of the Red Letter Christians and one of the Founding members The Simple Way. Red Letter Christians is a non-denominational movement within Evangelical Christianity that focuses on the red-colored verses of the New Testament attributed to Jesus.

Claiborne said, “The prophets weren’t fortune-tellers, the prophets were truth-tellers. And they weren’t trying to predict the future, they were trying to change the future”   He noted that change must occur at the grassroots and not through politicians or kinds.

He noted that “Christians are the biggest gun owners in America, the biggest champions of guns, and yet Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers,” quoting the Beatitudes. He also led an event destroying parts of guns and noted that the cross he was wearing was made from the barrel of a gun. he also showed a shovel to bury gun parts noting it had been made from gun parts and was born again.  The comment was a reference to the Book of Isaiah.

He added that religions have been twisted to serve political needs and that these are “extreme times we are living in and the question is whether or not we will be extremists.”  He then added that people of faith must be extremists for love, not hatred.

Claiborne later wrote in an editorial piece following up the plenary speech writing,  “It has been especially powerful to beat guns into garden tools here at Parliament, with people from 200 different religious traditions, because the best of our faiths has been manipulated, abused, distorted, twisted in order to justify hatred and violence and bigotry. Hitler had the Bible in his hand as he carried out his evils… all you have to do is twist the cross and you get a swastika. ”

The Parliament of the World’s Religions also affirmed Canada’s recent “Formal Recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment.”  The bill, which received Royal Assent on June 13, modernizes the 1999 Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and represents the first set of comprehensive amendments to CEPA since it was enacted over 20 years ago.  In doing so, Canada joins 160 other nations affirming a right to a healthy environment.

The General Assembly of the United Nations in July 2022 recognized “The Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment” as a basic human right, with a historic vote of 161 in favor, none opposed, and 8 abstentions. The last time a new basic human right had been recognized by the United Nations was in 2016, The Right to Water and Sanitation.

In a statement, the Parliament of World’s Religions wrote, “The Right to a Healthy Environment is of crucial importance, making clear that the welfare of humans cannot be separated from the well-being of the natural world, and is essential to the enjoyment of all other human rights. It also immensely strengthens support for environmental justice and makes it possible for environmental defenders, almost 200 of whom are killed each year, to be called “human rights defenders.”

The Right to a Healthy Environment is crucial to ensuring the rights of future generations and should become a central concern of the UN Trusteeship Council, as proposed by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres to be a deliberative forum for the rights and welfare of future generations and governance of the global commons.

The Wild Hunt is compiling reactions and commentary for Pagan attendees of the Parliament of Worlds Religion and will be sharing them later this week. 

MIAMI — Sadly, the killer whale known popularly as Lolita who performed at the Miami Seaquarium died on Friday, August 18, 2023.  Lolita was originally named Tokitae or Toki for short.  She was captured around four years of age and performed for 53 years. The death was announced on Instagram, and the Miami Seaquarium wrote “Toki was an inspiration to all who had the fortune to hear her story and especially to the Lummi nation that considered her family.”

Toki was to have been returned to her native area in Puget Sound, Washington in just a few months. Toki’s 95-year-old mother is believed to be alive.

Miami-Dade County mayor, Daniella Levine Cava, wrote that she was “profoundly saddened and said in a statement, “Alongside the many Miamians who grew up visiting her, the generations of activists around the world that were inspired by her story, and the caretakers who remained dedicated to her until the end — today, we say our final goodbye to our beloved Toki.”

“Our collective wish was to see Toki in her native waters and we are heartbroken to learn of this sudden loss,” the mayor added.


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Another killer Whale, Kiska, died in MarineLand, a theme park in Niagara Falls, Canada.  Kiska.  She was referred to as “the loneliest whale in the world.” Kiska died in March of this year. Kiska was 47 years old and had been captured near Iceland.

Animal welfare activists have been criticizing the practice of keeping animals for entertainment and have worked to release animals from captivity.

Sacred Sea,  an Indigenous-led 501c3 non-profit committed to promoting ancestral knowledge and practices for the protection and revitalization of the waters, culture, life, and sacred sites of the Salish Sea, called for the release of Toki.  They wrote “It is our Xa xalh Xechnging (sacred obligation) to bring our relation, the orca known as Tokitae or Lolita but whom we know as Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut, out of captivity at the Miami Seaquarium and back home to the Salish Sea. We are extending an open hand to the Miami Seaquarium and its parent companies in an invitation to work with us. Together we can right the wrong of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s capture, and safely and responsibly bring her home to the Salish Sea.”


Happening this Weekend:

Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day at Johnston Memorial Park on Saturday, August 26, 2023!

Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day, a vibrant and inclusive celebration of spirituality, diversity, and community, is happening Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Johnston Memorial Park in Johnston. This family-friendly and free annual event, organized by Rhode Island Pagan Pride, aims to promote understanding, reduce discrimination, and foster a sense of unity among all individuals interested in, or curious about, Pagan traditions.

Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day welcomes people from all walks of life who honor, revere, or worship Deities found in pre-Christian, classical, aboriginal, or tribal practices. The event also embraces those who practice shamanism, magical arts, earth-based spirituality, and modern religions inspired by pre-Christian traditions. The focus of this year’s celebration is “MANY PATHS, ONE COMMUNITY.”

You can watch or participate in public rituals as well as enjoy live professional music, dance, and spiritual art. Shop at the many vendors and enjoy a meal from a selection of food trucks! Learn a new skill or strengthen an existing one through workshops, learn about different Pagan groups, feel rejuvenated by partaking in healing work, and discover new tools and other goods that enhance your practice.

Come celebrate our community and expand your understanding of what it means to be Pagan. Whether you describe yourself as a reconstructionist, eclectic, or any other term, or even if you are not Pagan at all, you are warmly welcome to come to learn about the diversity of beliefs in our state and how these beliefs enrich our lives and the world. Or just come to hang out and have fun! Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with local businesses, artisans, and spiritual practitioners, as well as explore various aspects of Pagan spiritualities and beliefs.

Although religious freedoms are protected under the First Amendment of the US Constitution, many Pagans still face discrimination as they are often stereotyped. Facing such risks as unemployment, being passed over for promotions or housing, being treated unfavorably in school, and even child custody threats, many Pagans choose to keep their faiths private. Horn and Cauldron, Church of the Earth, a sponsor for Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day, encountered this discrimination when a local town zoning department prejudicially ruled against them in 2022. The town officials attempted to prevent them from worshiping collectively on private property. The ACLU, who represented Horn and Cauldron for that case, will be speaking about our religious freedoms at Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day this year. Rhode Island was founded on religious freedom which is represented by the Independent Man “Hope” at the top of the Rhode Island State House, and the inscription on the South Portico “To hold forth a lively experiment that a most flourishing civil state may stand, and best be maintained with full liberty in religious concernments.”

One of the key objectives of Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day is to provide accurate information and dispel misconceptions surrounding Pagan religions. By showcasing the diversity of the Pagan community and sharing personal experiences, the event aims to foster tolerance, acceptance, and appreciation for these spiritual paths. Local Coordinator, Darrell Moore, said “Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day is about education: informing the public about our faiths, and also bringing fellow practitioners together to learn from one another.”

Don’t miss this special day! Be a part of Rhode Island Pagan Pride Day at Johnston Memorial Park! Details are available on their website and for further information, they ask you to contact their main Sponsor, Horn and Cauldron, Church of the Earth.



Announcements & Upcoming Gatherings:


Western MA Pagan Pride Day is one of many Pagan Pride Day events that take place worldwide. As a nonprofit organization, we strive to establish awareness of earth-centered spiritual traditions in our local communities. People of all faiths (or none) and walks of life are invited to join us on Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 10:00 am through 6:00 pm. There is no admission fee to the event, however, we ask that you bring a cash donation for our charity drive. We will be collecting cash donations for our favorite charity, the Northampton Survival Center. You can come expecting to find information about paganism in many of its forms, experience open harvest ritual, musical entertainment, workshops (classes), and many vendors for a fun, family-friendly community-driven event. There are a number of restaurants and cafes in the area, so plan to come and stay a while!  Updates are also able on their Facebook and Instagram sites.


Lehigh Valley Pagan Pride Day will take place on September 30, 2022.  They wrote “Our event is Lehigh Valley Pagan Pride Day in Easton Pennsylvania.  There will be vendors of all kinds, classes, and food.  We also have guest speakers who are authors.”

Event information and updates are available on their website.




Washington State’s Pagan Pride Day is Sept 30/Oct 1, 2023, at the LaQuinta in Tacoma, WA.

This is our 17th year, and after two years of broadcasting online events with some of the most respected names in the Pagan community, we are back in person! Please join us and the many vendors, readers, and a fantastic lineup of presenters.

Special guest presenters include @ThatWitchLife podcast, who will record an episode for their internationally-known weekly podcast. The show is hosted by Kanani Soleil, Courtney Weber, and Hilary Whitmore and focuses on living as a Witch or Magickal person today.

We are delighted to have Brittany Jones, a presidential candidate for the US 2024 election. Brittany Jones is an unaffiliated candidate for the 2024 presidential elections. She is taking the knowledge she has learned from her campaign and helping educate people across the United States about how elections work. She has been a practicing Pagan, primarily doing dream work, for the last ten years. She also practices candle magic and energy manipulation. Please visit her website to learn more. Puget Sound Pagan Pride has invited other presidential candidates in the spirit of openness and fairness to all. Organizers said they also need volunteers. Contact them for details.



Earthspirit Community announced dates and open registration for Twilight Covening, a continuous  3-day ritual from October 6-9, 2023 that holds and shapes an institute of Earth spirituality and a time to develop our collective wisdom in a shared sacred space as we move into the dark time of the year.

Each year since 1986, members of the EarthSpirit Community gather deep into ourselves and into communion with this time of year and with all of Nature. We explore the depths of a range of spiritual practices, learn new skills together and experience the joy and power of a living community ritual. We invite you to join us.

The rituals include Releasing Fire Ritual on Friday night, Rituals for Dreaming, Healing and Trance on Saturday night, A Visioning Ritual on Sunday night, and Four “Attunements” each day which marks the solar quarters of the day.

Many participants have found that Twilight Covening provides a model for maintaining an earth-centered practice on a daily basis and is a wonderful opportunity for developing strong and lasting connections with others on a similar path.

They note that Twilight Covening is a demanding physical experience. The schedule is intense, the terrain rugged, the weather unpredictable and the facilities limited in creature comforts.


The Michigan Witches Ball 2023 has announced dates!  It will be held on October 28, 2023, at the  Ukrainian Cultural Center, Warren, Michigan, USA.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of enchantment and mystery? Look no further than the highly anticipated Michigan Witches Ball, where magic comes alive and dreams become reality. This extraordinary event is not to be missed, as it promises an unforgettable evening filled with spellbinding music, captivating people, and a bewitching atmosphere that will leave you mesmerized.

Step into a Realm of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Prepare to be transported to a realm where witches and wizards roam freely. The Michigan Witches Ball is a celebration of all things mystical and supernatural, where attendees can embrace their inner magic and indulge in an evening of pure enchantment.

Indulge in Delectable Delights
No magical evening would be complete without delectable treats to tantalize your taste buds. The Michigan Witches Ball offers a wide array of culinary delights that are sure to satisfy. Savor mouthwatering food. Indulge in desserts. And of course, no witch’s gathering would be complete without a selection of potions and elixirs to quench your thirst at the open bar.

Dress to Impress in Your Finest Witch Attire

The Michigan Witches Ball is the perfect occasion to unleash your inner witch or warlock. Embrace the opportunity to dress up in your most extravagant and spellbinding attire. From elegant witches’ gowns adorned with intricate lace and velvet, to dapper warlock suits complete with top hats and canes, let your imagination run wild.

Meet and Support Michigan Pagan Charities

Be dazzled by the shining stars that are the volunteers who staff Pagans In Need food pantry, Wolf Run Wildlife Spiritual Sanctuary, and the Michigan Pagan Scholarship. Chat with these magical altruists adept at the conjuring of compassion.

Tickets and information about the  Michigan Witches Ball are available on their website via Eventbrite

If you have an announcement to share with the community, send it to The Wild Hunt at 

Positively Noteworthy

This weekend was the World Tree Hugging Championships!

The 4th annual TreeHugging World Championships of 2023 were held on Saturday the 19th of August at the HaliPuu forest in Levi, Lapland, Finland. Participants from all over the world joined together to compete for the title of World Champion.  The contest is sponsored by HaliPuu, an organization in the little town of Levi in Finnish Lapland that “wanted to save our family forest from felling, and decided to turn it into a safe place for people from around the planet.”


But wait, there were qualifying events! 

The Scottish Tree Hugging Championships were held in July in Salen, Scotland off Loch Sunart in the west of the country.  Gordon Cooper shared with The Wild Hunt that “there were three events”:  “speed hugging (how many trees can you hug in a set time spending at least 5 secs per tree) with the competitors going off one at a time in a slightly mad scramble.”  The dedication event where contestants had to  “show they were at one with a tree of their choice” and finally “freestyle” involving “climbing, kissing, kneeling before, singing to and even dancing around with a hula hoop with the tree of their choosing.”

Cooper shared a link where the Flickr account mws080062 covered the event for us to enjoy, including the Scottish  winner:

Scottish Tree Hugging Championships - Salen 29th July 2023



Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte

Deck: The Colorful Tears Tarot, by Rebecca Schoenecker, A Laughing Eye Weeping Eye publication.

Card: Nine (9) of Tears (Cups)

The week ahead is liable to offer opportunities to appreciate, enjoy and celebrate the aspects of life that are ample in beauty, joy, and spiritual connection.

Conversely, obsession with material possessions and the hoarding of resources can be reflective of the inability to truly appreciate and share one’s emotional and worldly success.

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