Aquarian Tabernacle Church International announces leadership awards

Last week, the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATC) held its first celebration of the organization’s leadership awards, with many divisions of the church recognizing members for their accomplishments. The ceremony included the ATC’s State of the Church summary. TWH had an opportunity to chat with Rev. Lady Belladonna LaVeau, Archpriestess of ATC International, about the tradition.

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATC) was formed in 1979 by the late Pete “Pathfinder” Davis as a coven dedicated to providing religious services and support to the larger Wiccan community. It is among the earliest Wiccan churches to receive full legal status and recognition in the United States, Australia, and Canada.

Logo of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church [courtesy]

The Mother Church is the seat of the organization, located in Index, Washington. The physical campus of the Mother Church was established in 1981. It has permanent shrines to the Church’s matron goddess, Hekate, and patron god, Pan. The site also has shrines to Ganesh, Quan Yin, Aphrodite, Dionysus, the Fae, and many other elemental energies.

Lady Belladonna was elevated to Archpriestess of ATC in 2014 and the organization has grown and diversified significantly under her leadership to fulfill itself as a “global interfaith Wiccan fellowship ministering, worshiping, and working together for a brighter tomorrow.”

“The ATC is unique in being the only Pagan organization that has a group umbrella exemption from the US Government,” said Lady Belladonna, “giving us the ability to legalize religious entities under our umbrella without going through the IRS for approval.”

The ATC notes that they “are an organizing body, not a governing body. We do not dictate how you run your group in any way.”

“Under the Aegis of the Mother Church,” Lady Belladonna continued, “we are a collection of autonomous churches of different traditions, charities, and institutions” – such as seminaries, youth ministries, and others – “that work cooperatively together to create an international Wiccan/Pagan organization.”

Indeed, the ATC provides a breadth of tools for Wiccans and Pagans, from real-world matters about group organization to legal support, accounting support, church management resources, and access to software. They also offer counseling, spiritual and liturgical support.

The ATC has affiliated covens and churches throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. But Lady Belladonna says that joining ATC is easy: “To join as a member, all you have to do is declare that you are a member, start coming to events, and/or register on our members site at Aquarian Tabernacle Church International.” The ATC has an extensive presence online that includes a YouTube channel, multiple social media channels, a virtual fellowship hall, seeker conversations, coffee chats, and virtual ritual participation.

“Growing through the organization is based on individual participation,” said Lady Belladonna. “If you have the talents and calling, we open doors for you to serve. We encourage those bound for clergy status to attend the Seminary for the fastest route to clergy credentials. Initiation is not always necessary. Each group has its own initiatory requirements.”

The ATC also hosts two annual festivals: Spring Mysteries, which they have held in honor of Persephone and Demeter since 1985, and Hekate’s Sickle Festival, which honors and explores the afterlife.

The ATC also sponsors the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary that offers degrees in Wiccan Ministry that are state certified through the Washington State Board of Higher Education, allowing their graduates to offer pastoral and chaplaincy services.

At last week’s ceremony, Lady Belladonna said the church is doing well. “This year we were able to hire for the first time ever, with a full-time salary, Kara D. Williams to take Woolston Steen Theological Seminary into a powerful future,” she said. “We have an accreditation project that is moving forward.” She said that their project to plant community gardens across the US is also doing very well and the ATC will continue its activism in search of a bright Pagan future.

One major project the ATC has undertaken is the “Goddess’s Holy City.” “Demeter has asked us to build New Eleusis,” said Lady Belladonna. “It has been a long-term project of mine to encourage Pagans to donate to their spiritual institutions so Pagans could have a greater influence on the world we live in, and we are seeing that happen more and more across Paganism. I truly believe the Goddess has awakened Her children to save the planet, and by pooling our treasure, talents, and resources we can do it together.” ATC says that it has raised $69,000 towards this project.

At the online ceremony, hosted by Phoenix Silverstar, the ATC announced the Benefactor’s Award to Mat Dolberg and Elizette Brown for their financial support of ATC. She recognized Lady Kara D. Williams in her new position as dean of the Woolston Steen Theological Dean of the Seminary.

The ATC also announced the Major Benefactors Award was shared by Lady Belladonna LaVeau and Phoenix Silverstar for donations over $5,000 given in a calendar year.

The ATC announced that the Hands of Influence Award was given to the Southern Delta Church of Wicca, which “listened to the call of Demeter about building gardens and feeding Her children heirloom foods.”

Lord Terry Riley, welcomes Archpriestess Belladonna Laveau and Archpriest Dusty Dionneas they bless the community garden by Southern Delta Church of Wicca – ATC


The ATC announced that the Order of the Lotus is given “in recognition of an individual with ritual writing skills, organization, and presentation. The individual bridges the message of deity to the community authentically and creatively.”

The recipients were:

Lady Belladonna LaVeau for Spring Mysteries and Hekate Sickle Festival

Lady Lola Stardust for her Hekate New Moon rituals called the Deipnon

Lady Mary Malinski for Spring Mysteries and Hekate Sickle Festival

Lady Trisha Parker for her leadership in ATC’s Red Tent

Lord Dusty Dionne for Spring Mysteries and Hekate Sickle Festival

The ATC announced that The Order of the Magi “is given in recognition of individuals who administer and organize festivals, departments, and menhirs, and generally allows for the functioning of Wicca as a religion.”

The recipients were:

Lady Belladonna LaVeau for 10 years of service as Archpriestess

Lord Dusty Dionne for 5 years of service as Archpriest

Aedis Laveau for leading SpiralScouts International Youth Ministry

Lady Calypso, Aisha Beauchamin for leading Pagan Information Network

Brenna Grace for Festival Director of Spring Mysteries Festival and Hekate Sickle Festival and Director of Marketing for ATC, Intl

Darrell Delph for Director of ATC Business Department

DruAnn Welch for Director of IT Department

Kara D. Williams for Dean of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary

N’Mier Laveau for Director of Seattle Psychic’s Association

Phoenix Silverstar for Dean of Faculty

Stacia Sylvester for High Maiden of ATC Intl

Terry Riley for High Summoner of ATC Intl

Trisha Parker for Purse Warden and WSTS Enrollment Officer


The Circle of Stars Award is “awarded to outstanding leaders, those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty giving this church their whole heart. They have earned the right to display a Circle of Stars on their clergy tabard. This year Lady Lola Stardust was honored with the Circle of Stars for an enormous list of services she has offered to ATC, including producing the Threads of Wisdom series, service in the Red Tent, and facilitating many rituals, while also helping with the festivals and producing the Witches and Wine show on YouTube.

The Guiding Light Lifetime Achievement Award is given “to persons who have spent a lifetime progressing Wicca.” The award notes that the recipient “has served deity in actions and modeling behaviors. Without this person, Wicca would be noticeably less.” It is ATC’s highest award.

The Guiding Light Lifetime Achievement Award was conferred on three individuals.

The first recipient was author and priestess Janet Farrar, a longtime member of ATC and Witch, whom Lady Belladonna described as a “warrior, a teacher, a minister, a storyteller, and an amazing Witch, who has braved many storms, and from whose efforts we have all gained.”

The second recipient was Gavin Bone, who is married to Janet Farrar and whom Lady Belladonna described as “one of the greatest Wiccan scholars of our time.”

“Gavin takes our religion to the next level,” ATC said, “traveling to ancient places, reading historical material, and putting it all together in way that uplifts all who are touched by his brilliance. Gavin still has many years to impact the world of paganism, but we wanted to recognize him because as a couple he and Janet have done so much for our religion that we wanted to recognize them together as a power couple, for a lifetime of uplifting us, shaping our magic, and making us better for having met them.”

The third recipient was Lord Terry Riley, who is the High Priest of the Southern Delta Church of Wicca and the High Summoner of the ATC. Besides his community garden project, Lord Terry was the organizer of the Wiccan Freedom of Religion March in 1993.

“In his early days of ministry,” said Lady Belladonna, “he stood against the National Guard, and an entire town and defended our right to be Pagan. He leads a coven who must be willing to be shot at to practice in the deep south of Arkansas. Terry Riley stood on the courthouse steps in Arkansas for nine days surrounded by enraged Christians, and armed militia, and demanded we be allowed the same rights as other religions.

“Known to his coven as Dad,” Lady Belladonna continued, “Terry is responsible for teaching us that people need to know you care about them before they will care about your leadership.”

As for ATC’s current plans and future, Lady Belladonna told TWH that is as bright as ever. “We are focused on uniting Pagan groups to bring balance and earth-centered living in harmony with spirit.

“The Goddess was separated from us due to greedy men who sought power and the world had suffered to the point of extinction,” she added. “We are working to rebuild Demeter’s Holy City, New Eleusis to teach mankind how to live a lifestyle that includes compassionate sustainably and honorable reciprocation.”

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