TWH – At the beginning of December, author and astrologer Ivo Dominguez, Jr. made a post on social media that caught the collective eye of The Wild Hunt. We reached out to him for a more in-depth explanation of what the impacts of the lunar shift might mean and kindly offered to share his insights.
Astrology can be a useful tool that can inform us on what the spiritual atmosphere ahead might offer. It is up to the individual how to interpret and respond to that spiritual information. Astrology can offer up the “what” but not necessarily the “how” of navigation.
Lunar nodes refer to two paths of the moon’s orbit and where it intersects the ecliptic. When the moon’s orbit is above or “ascending” the ecliptic is moving into the northern hemisphere of the ecliptic and constitutes the north node, and when it moves below or “descends” to the southern hemisphere of the ecliptic, the south node. The moon crosses the ecliptic twice each month.

Image credit: SuperManu – en:Image:Lunareclipsediagram2.gif by Tom Ruen – Public Domain
The influence of lunar nodes is subtle but even the most subtle of various background influences can have a major impact. Dominguez, explained it as, “If there was a piece of background music playing all the time, it would affect us on a number of levels. Over time, it changes the inner landscape and the energetic feel of the world.” He pointed out that the energy of the lunar nodes “is pushing on us all the time.”
Dominguez, likened the north and south nodes, as reflecting the magical aspects of the earth plane and astral plane, respectively. When nodes shift it can change the way magic feels, being subtle but powerful.
There is also the differentiation between mean nodes vs true nodes. In the simplest of explanations, the path of the moon has a bit of a wobble or variance. True nodes account for its exact path, while mean nodes are a more static reflection of the moon’s path. The difference between the two is roughly only about a degree or so at any given point.
Dominguez mentioned in his post that he was referencing mean nodes rather than true nodes, which places the shift of the nodes from Gemini and Sagittarius to Taurus and Scorpio on December 22, 2021, while the true node calculation places the shift on January 18, 2022. Mean vs True is often passionately contested within the astrological community as to which is best. For the scope of this article, the focus is on mean nodes.
So what will likely be the impact of this lunar node shift from Gemini-Sagittarius to Taurus-Scorpio?
Dominguez explained that the moon in Scorpio is in its fall where the weaknesses of its influences and properties are emphasized, while in Taurus the moon is exalted, meaning its best properties and influences are amplified.
He noted that “Nodes speak a lot to what work needs to get done, and can bring up issues of fear and survival. People are going to have their deep issues stirred up.” Dominguez continued, “While people with strong Taurus & Scorpio in their personal charts will have a more intense experience, it will affect everyone.”

Lunar Eclipse 2003 – Image credit: Oliver Stein – CC BY-SA 3.0
All of the eclipses during the next 18 months will also be in either Taurus or Scorpio and as Dominguez points out, in addition to being within the Taurus-Scorpio axis, “eclipses shake, rattle, and roll things.” And there will likely be a lot of emphasis on doing deep personal work.
Another factor that is likely to have a marked influence is the first Pluto return for the U.S. A planetary return in the natal chart is defined as the planet returning to the same place it occupied upon the birth of the individual or organization, or in this case, the creation of the United States. The dates of the Pluto return in its exact positioning occur on February 20, July 11, and December 28 in 2022. Dominguez said that alone will bring a lot of revelations about issues on a larger scale.
When it comes to the signs’ influence on the moon, Dominguez said, “Taurus is better as north node due to its ability to promote stability, and dogged persistence. And Taurus loves the world and material things which includes nature. While Scorpio is often seen as the most spiritual sign when it comes to the earth.” Together the two emphasize all the things that matter and provide comfort and security. Dominguez said it reflects the question, “Isn’t the world we are trying to create one that supports those values?”
He highlighted that all the Taurus things will be key in staying sane, especially as they relate to security issues like food, finance, and all the other things that provide comfort and allow us to feel secure.
Meanwhile, Scorpio will lance the boil—dig up all the dirt. This can be helpful provided we remove the tendency to obsess over the dirt.
According to Dominguez, Scorpio is all about the nitty-gritty about what is here and now, and whether we are honoring walking around on this plane. He emphasized that while it is really easy to get stuck in the negative aspect, it is much better to find out all the bad stuff and then figure out what to do about it.
One of the problems that many people are facing is being at the limit of their resources, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Dominguez offered as a possible resolution is to remind people they are more resilient than they think and to provide answers for how to get through.
Taurus and Scorpio both have a medical angle and have the potential to highlight the obvious flaws and healthcare crisis, not just the pandemic but the ability to respond to it. This is on top of other issues of inequality—racial issues, capitalism, gender issues, etc.
When asked whether things are going to get better, Dominguez responded, “It is up to us—astrology can only tell us what is on the agenda.”
He feels that personal accountability that pushes through collective accountability is what can make the difference.
Compared to the air and fire energy of Gemini-Sagittarius which seemed to reflect the peak of all the crazy since both signs are oriented on ideas and words, and love of conspiracy theories flourished under those influence, the earth and water of Taurus-Scorpio is liable to be more practical.
While the coming shift in lunar nodes may not exactly be a walk in the park, it is likely to be more focused on how to do better, backing up ideas with action, and in essence making sure we have what we need to weather the storm.
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