SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, Canada – The Saskatchewan Liberal Party announced today that Robert Rudachyk has been appointed as Interim Party Leader, and is running for the seat in Saskatoon Westview provincial election.
Rudachyk identifies as a Heathen and Pagan, and is a supporter of inclusive Heathenry and involved in the movement for equality within Pagan & Heathen communities.
Rudachyk has been politically active in the past. He sought the nomination of his party in 2014 for the federal riding of Saskatoon West, but failed to get his party’s nomination.
In 2016, he campaigned for the seat in Saskatoon-Riverdale in the Province of Saskatchewan as a Member of the Legislative Assembly. While he did not succeed in that bid for office, he remained hopeful and had an opportunity to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shortly after his loss that year at an event to thank all the volunteers for the Liberal Party.
In a phone interview today, Rudachyk told TWH that his inspiration to run was two-fold. “The Pagan community is grossly underrepresented across the world and we need a seat at the table if we want to be involved in policy decisions,” he said.
Secondly, Rudachyk said, “To open the door for others [Pagans and Heathens], to encourage them to go out there a make a difference by getting involved.”
Rudachyk also said that he is calling on all Pagans to “do whatever they can” to help his campaign. For Pagans and Heathens in Saskatoon, Rudachyk said the campaign is in need of volunteers, donations, and more candidates to run for office.
If Rudachyk succeeds in winning the election, he will be the first representative to be openly Heathen in Canada. With a background in science and biology, he has a strong interest in renewable energy and helped write the party’s platform on sustainable and renewable energy.
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The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick
CLEVELAND – A new exhibit titled, “Apparitions” is scheduled to open this Thursday at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.
The exhibition is a joint venture between the Buckland Museum and the Stephan ROMANO gallery and features a variety of “vintage spirit photography, prints and drawings and contemporary art on the subject of ghosts, spirits, specters, demons, and the paranormal from the collection of Stephen ROMANO gallery.”
“We are always excited when Romano comes knocking and lets us play with his toys, his collection is a vast well of the history of the arcane. These works are striking and beautiful, a must-see for those that just have a passing interest in metaphysics to the lifelong student of the occult,” Buckland Museum director, Steven Intermill said in a press release.
This marks the third collaboration between the museum and the gallery. Past joint exhibitions include the William Mortensen “Witches” and Australian esoteric artist, Barry William Hale’s first solo American exhibition.
Stephen Romano, curator and collector for the gallery bearing his name, explained his interest in esoteric art and occult imagery:
The art of the esoteric is very interesting to me, it’s a primary experience that we hopefully don’t lose in our time of instantaneous access and gratification. It’s what the whole essence of collecting should be, to give us a door to a higher order, an immediacy which refreshes the psyche and enriches our quality of life.
The artist as a practitioner of witchcraft.. to me are the artists who were effective at bringing change unto the world. Darcilio Lima (1944 – 1991) for instance, is a Brazilian artist I have interest in. He considered his works as spells for protection against malevolent forces, and gifted that protection to the person who would acquire that work and live with it. This is the true magic.
To me Visual Art is the jewel in the crown of our cultural achievements.. The greatest reward is sharing our collections with others to inspire awe in them as well.
The exhibit opens on Thursday, October 1, and runs through the end of December at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cleveland, Ohio.
In an update to a story TWH covered in August, the Buckland Museum reports their fundraiser to benefit the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Boscastle, England has raised over $1,700.00.
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DELAND, Fla. – Scott, Geoff Scott’s new album, Elder Spell, is scheduled for release this Friday on a variety of music streaming platforms that include Spotify, Bandcamp, and Apple Music.
Scott who identifies as a Heathen and with Germanic Paganism, said the title for his album reflects the Germanic “landvættir” land wights or nature spirits, which he said, “were hugely inspirational to me during the writing [of the album].”
The press release for the recording describes Elder Spell as “a creepy, weird, pretty synth project that falls somewhere between a John Carpenter directed X-Files episode and unapologetic straight 80’s cheese.”
And that it is “the product of Scott who, in the depressing, quiet solitude of the Covid 19 quarantine, amassed a small collection of synths that he could program his songs into in lieu of having musicians to jam with. This project in particular spawned from his playing with analog clones of a Roland 808 drum machine and an ARP Odyssey.”
The album is available for pre-order via Bandcamp prior to its October 2 release.
Crossings of the Veil
Elizabeth Fisher, author
Fisher was a leader in the Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion Movement, a CUUPS regional ritual group, and a variety of faith-based social justice movements. She was the author of Rise Up & Call Her Name: A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities
Fisher also wrote for the U.U. blog, Nature’s Sacred Journey on Patheos Pagan from 2015 to 2018., and published numerous articles on her site Rise Up and Call Her Name.
Fisher was a past recipient of the CUUPS Margaret Fuller–Henry David Thoreau award for furthering an understanding of earth-centered philosophy.
On June 24, 2020, she received the Ministry To Women Award from the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation in recognition of her exemplary and impactful leadership.
Fisher was noted by the award committee for the U.U. Women’s Federation as a “tireless advocate for Women’s Rights as Human Rights and the power of the Shared Leadership model to counter patriarchal, hierarchical societal norms. We count her as an honored Foremother to UUWF and UU Women & Religion.”
What is remembered, Lives!
In other news:
- The Brotherhood of The Unnamed Path announced earlier this month that they been granted their 501(c)3 status as a non-profit organization. The Unnamed Path identifies itself as, “a four-fold spiritual tradition [Magic and Prophecy, Shamanism, Energy Healing, Deathwalking] revealed to us from the Ancestors of Men-who-love-men… is solely for men-who-love-men because it is empowered by our capacity to love as gay men, and is tuned to our unique energy current. It is an ever-evolving spiritual tradition that encourages the practitioner to seek his own truths through communication with the Ancestors and Gods and recover lore and practices that will best serve him in his spiritual evolution.”
- Convicted murder and rapist, William Emmett LeCroy, 50, was executed last week in Terre Haute, Indiana after being on death row for 19 years. LeCroy murdered, Joann Lee Tiesler in 2001. According to statements LeCroy made to a psychiatrist who was hired by his defense team to evaluate him for an appeal of his case, LeCroy believed Tiesler was the babysitter who had sexually abused him as a child, and that she placed a spell on him. LeCroy also believed the only way to reverse the “witchcraft” practiced against him was to force Tiesler to remove the spell. When he raped and murdered Tiesler, LeCroy was on supervised probation after serving ten years for child molestation, statutory rape, burglary, and aggravated assault. LeCroy’s execution marks the 6th federal execution since July when the Department of Justice ended its 17-year hiatus of carrying out executions.
- In an update to a story we last reported on in June 2019, the West Berkeley Shellmound and Village Site has been named by the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) as one of the 11 most endangered historical sites in the U.S. “Each year, our America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list sheds light on important examples of our nation’s heritage that are at risk of destruction or irreparable damage,” said NTHP Chief Preservation Officer Katherine Malone-France at the press conference. “More than 300 places have been included on the list in its 35 year history and in that time, fewer than 5% of the listed sites have been lost.” This is the first time a Native American cultural site in an urban area has made the list of endangered places. ” Corrina Gould, Lisjan Ohlone leader and spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan said at the press conference, “Through this recognition, we are acknowledging the legacy of our ancestors and the continued importance of this sacred site for those in this present moment and for the next seven generations.”
- A pilot for a new series, “Beyond the Yellow House” is alleged based on the experiences of a woman who as a child was abused by a coven of “witches” in the 1960s in the Sandia Mountains in New Mexico. A number of Pagans have expressed alarm over an article published that cites the project as being a documentary about “New Mexico’s history of brujeria and hechiceria, witchcraft and sorcery.” While the project purports that its focus is on child trafficking and abuse, and is not a documentary or an expose, as explained by the project’s creator, Terry Futschik in a YouTube video, Futschik still refers to the abusers as an evil coven of ‘witches’.” in her video statement. The description of the pilot also identifies the group who committed the abuse as “an all-female dark and sinister coven.” TWH has reached out to Futschik for clarifications but has not yet received a response. This is a developing story that TWH will continue to follow and report on any new details as they become available.
Tarot of the week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Tarot of White Cats by Magdelina Messina, artwork by Severino Baraldi, instructions by Sofia di Vincenzo, published by Lo Scarabeo.
Card: Seven (7) of Chalices
The week ahead offers opportunities for greater understanding by examining issues from a variety of perspectives. Personal growth can be expanding by looking within, as well as examining what is on the surface or what might be having an effect that is coming from outside. Conversely, lack of awareness can lead to disillusionment or being hoodwinked by an illusion of someone else’s making.
Decks generously provided by Asheville Raven & Crone.
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