WASHINGTON D.C. – On Friday Jan 20, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. Then, on Saturday Jan 21, an estimated 200,000 women will march on Washington in protest against an administration that they say is hostile toward women and unwilling to protect their civil rights.
The march organizers’ mission statement begins: “We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families – recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.”
Among those thousands of people marching in Washington will be a contingent of 64 plus Witches, who plan to frist meet at the Museum of the American Indian at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, and then they will join up with the larger event.

[Courtesy Witches’ Contingent]
Brandon Blair and his husband Mike, two Witches living in Providence, Rhode Island, are traveling to take part in the Witches march. Blair says he wants to make sure everyone in the Trump administration knows that women’s rights are human rights.
“As are the rights of the LGBT community, people of color, and every other human,” said Blair in an interview.
He noted, “Given the results of the election we will most likely need to stand stronger and fight harder in the coming years, and I wanted to be a part of one of the first events in that fight.” He believes that what he is doing will help to inspire hope and bring forth equality for all, no matter who is in office.
Gwen Walsh, a Solitary Witch from Maine, is also attending the Witches Contingent event. She posted on its Facebook page, “I’m so excited to participate in a Pagan-focused event – can’t wait to meet all of you and raise some energy together.”
Lady Bloomwild doesn’t think the Witches Contingent will stand out too much from the many other groups joining in the march, although she says, “It is possibly that we may start chanting to raise positive energy or call on the elements so that bring some attention to our group.”

Sign that the Dirty Mothers plan to carry as they take part of the Witches Contingent. [Courtesy Photo]
Lady Bloomwild says she hopes the event supports women in what she calls their greatest time of need, “We are coming out to be seen, heard and we will not be silenced. We will raise the spirit of the great Goddess to remove hatred, vileness, and negativity and replace it with love, peace and positivity.”
In addition to the Witches Contingent, blogger Peg Aloi will be leading a ritual for “protection and power to resist.” She invites, “all earth religion followers (witches, pagans, druids, etc.) and anyone of like mind” to join her at Hancock Park at 10am. In blog post, she wrote, “[The ritual] will consist of a few moments of silence and some vocalizing and a simple grounding. Wicca 101.”
Outside of the Washington D.C. march, there are now a reported 616 sister marches happening around the world. The organization’s website also reports an estimated 2,053,370 marchers will be participating in those sister events, which are sponsored by different local organizations and people. Included in this global day of action is an online “Disability March” for those people who are unable to get to a live event due to, as it specifies, “a variety of physical limitations as well as chronic illnesses.”
Witches, Pagans, Heathens, and polytheists from all over the country will reportedly be in attendance at many of the corresponding events. Author Byron Ballard, for example, said, “Mother Grove Goddess Temple [has] groups representing at the Asheville Women’s March and the national March in DC. Come find us and walk with our banners.”
To follow the Firefly-sponsored Witches Contingent in Washington D.C., the organizers are encouraging participants to use #witchesatthemarch on Twitter and the group has also said that it will be posting photos of the rally and march as it occurs on their event page.
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Human rights are the only rights worth fighting for.
That would be fine if men weren’t of the opinion that women were made to simply serve their sexual needs.
All men? Would you put me in there?
I look for the Divine in every woman I meet. I don’t always find it. Sometimes that’s my fault, sometimes not.
What about other pagan men?
And if there can be some men who don’t have that opinion, why can’t there be others?
Alternately, Pagan men are not actually exempt from being sexist just because they’re Pagan. Pagans aren’t exempt from being terrible people because we’re Pagan. We have the same problems other religions have, and that non-religious groups have, because we’re made up of people and people can be pretty terrible. And people can also be pretty amazing.
I prefer to assume that people are amazing unless they prove otherwise. Individuals may be awesome or terrible, but men as a group aren’t guilty because of the behavior of some.
Treating all men as if they are guilty will not only cost you allies, it means that some good men will stop listening just because being called perpetually guilty is tiresome.
Feminism as it exists today is simply a vehicle to dump undeserved hatred on men. We women must deconstruct feminism now because it is divisive and damaging to men, families and children. I deeply love men and their contributions to making this a fantastic country for me & my family.
Women’s rights are human rights.
It’s just that sort of thinking that will turn the replicants and androids against us one day!
This is a common theme for male identified people, to assume that women’s rights and intersectional feminism do not include your gender. When, in fact, we are also fighting social norms that limit men in their own lives, like the freedom of emotional expression that women are afforded and public displays of platonic affection between members of the same gender. If you are looking for an invitation, here it is. Would you like to join us as we fight for the equality of all genders and gender expressions, all colors and creeds, all religions and spiritual practices, all people of varying abilities, and all expressions of love, peace and harmony? We could really use your help with this fight. Your voice is wanted, welcome and powerful. Because you are right human rights are the most important thing to fight for and equality is a human right.
Pardon, but that gets back to the first question I asked. Is it all men that do these terrible things?
I’ll ask another, because it should be asked.
Is it most men that do these terrible things?
@NeoWayland:disqus Why are you wasting logic, time, effort as well as electrons and pixels arguing with bigots with an agenda who wish to marginalize you and your gender in order to advance the chromosome supremacist agenda?
Because I assume that people are amazing unless they prove otherwise.
Because I prefer asking questions to arguing.
Because I’m not defined by my gender.
And because not everyone is a bigot.
As I said, I look for the Divine in every woman I meet. Can you think of a better way to find people who are honorable, passionate and reasoning at the same time?
It’s only when we’re challenged that we show our best.
“male identified people” lol- Somebody wasted a lot of money on a gender studies degree.
Women are full fledged humans, and today we’re telling the world.
I agree that women are humans. I never disputed that.
I do appreciate your support of us. Unfortunately, plenty of people dispute our rights
I know that some do and it’s a problem. Like I said, human rights are worth fighting for.
Women’s rights are human rights
Depends on what you are calling a right.
Personally I think there are no women’s rights, no pagan rights, no Hispanic rights, no men’s rights, no black rights, no gay rights.
There are human rights. Human rights are shared by everyone. Anything else is a privilege, taken at the expense of others by force.
I will fight for and support human rights.
The problem with your stance is that it doesn’t recognize that some humans are systematically denied human rights. Women’s rights are human rights… but too often, we’re not given those rights. We’re denied them. And that’s why it’s important to assert ourselves and demand our rights. The same goes for People of Color, LGBTQ+, disabled, and other marginalized communities. We have to assert ourselves separately, because we’re not actually recognized by those in power as being under the label “human.”
Congratulations for regarding women as human beings. Instead of denying that there are specific issues regarding women and our rights as human beings, or looking for brownie points for being a man who isn’t a misogynist, you should be supporting us in our efforts to gain full human rights.
Yes, some humans are systematically are denied human rights.
Most of them are not American.
The most successful rights movements in history have not divided people into victims groups. They’ve said that people deserve rights because they are human.
Your comments have revealed that you are completely out of touch and completely focused on your own ideas, and your own perceptions of perceived harm toward you and your self-designated group. You cannot open your eyes or your mind wide enough to see the reality of the situations you’re talking about. You talk about “human rights” and how we need to have solidarity as humans not because you really care about marginalized groups, but because you’re concerned with the so-called harm being done to your privileged group. This is what makes you someone I wouldn’t trust to hold my protest sign, not your gender.
And what “self-designated group” would that be?
The only one I have claimed is human. Well, I have admitted being a man. And I have objected to being called guilty when I haven’t done anything.
If you want to tell me about specific injustices down to individuals, that’s one thing.
If you want to tell me about generalized injustices against a given class of vaguely defined people, that’s something completely different. Especially when that group routinely excludes many people.
I was not a Trump supporter, I’m still not. But exactly what is it that Trump will do that threatens women more than men?
Make no mistake, I think Trump is a threat to liberty. But why is it worse for women?
Obamacare is a contraceptive lifeline for many women, and Republicans generally hate abortion. Issues aside, Trump shows an appallingly casual disrespect for women that is chilling in a President.
Ah, someone has specific examples.
I have mixed feelings on abortion. The one thing I am sure about is that it should not be paid for by government. There are many reasons, but the main one is that it’s always easier to spend someone else’s money.
Contraception is less complicated. Sex is (or should be) a voluntary act. You choose to have sex. Your neighbors should no more pay for your contraception than they should pay for your designer shoes, This is an example of what I was talking about. If government gives you benefits at the expense of others, it’s privilege.
I’d argue that Trump shows an appalling disrespect for rights in general, but you have a case. He’s not the first though. He’s not even the tenth.
Contraception is complicated if you’re a woman and don’t depend on male cooperation, and it’s pretty medical (ergo, invoking health care economics) compared to slipping on a condom.Abortion likewise gets into health care economics. We two uterus-free men can agree or disagree about it, but it’s one of the causes of the march and specifically affects women.
I’m really not trying to be difficult here. But I have a hard time seeing how contraception for consensual sex should be on the public dime. How can that be a right when not everyone benefits and taxes are collected by force to pay for it?
The key word in my earlier comment is “health.” I, and most of the Women’s March, are working off the model in which health care is a shared risk pool covering the entire population. This includes reproductive health, specifically women’s reproductive health, which is more complex than men’s. Look at the advanced countries of Western Europe; this health care model is widespread, and works pretty well. There are problems, but people generally don’t fall through the cracks.
I disagree that health is a shared risk pool.
I have looked at Western Europe. I find the waiting times to see a doctor interesting, don’t you?
Wait times are annoying but represent a sharing of otherwise not getting any care at all.
For months at a time?
Most of these countries are, by American standards, socialist. Socialism is about sharing the wealth in good times and sharing the pain the rest of the time, which latter is why most Americans don’t cotton to it (that and the tax level). I happen to think it’s a more civilized way of life, but that’s me. I will acknowledge that a lot of American dynamism is probably due to the high rewards that come with high risks that pan out in a profit-driven system, but at the cost of a lot of victims.
We have the most extensive cradle to grave form of socialism in the world, just for corporations, not actual people.
*nods* Cronyism.
I think that system has victims too.
Moving aside from the idea of capitalism for just a second, I think that the free market is the best way we know to get goods and services to the most people.
The free market is not capitalism and is certainly not cronyism.
Just on a purely utilitarian level, unwanted and unplanned pregnancies, particularly among the young and poor, end up costing us many decimal places more money than the contraception which might have prevented it.
Once a decision is made to publicly fund contraception or any other form of health care, its delivery should be governed by medical and scientific principals, not someone else’s religious beliefs.
Again, please tell me that the women’s rights in this march were about something more than reproductive rights.
I told ya already. Look it up.
You know what, I’m NOT done. I decided I’m not done because of this ridiculous, privileged double standard RIGHT HERE that I saw you make earlier in another comment, and when I came back to not be done, here you are making it again.
When YOU choose to have sex, you don’t have to worry about potentially getting pregnant. That is not a thing you have to deal with. EVER. So it’s really so incredibly easy for you to sit there and say “Sex is a choice, and you don’t have to choose to have sex.”
Are you a sexual person? Do you like sex? Is it something you enjoy and consider part of your life, part of your existence as a human being? What would you say if every single time you had sex you ran the risk of, by virtue of the act, suddenly having a tattoo on your face, and the tattoo grew over time, and there was a really easy was to prevent this so you could continue to have sex as part of your life, but someone told you “No, nope, absolutely not, you choose to have sex when you know you might end up with a face tattoo. If you don’t want a face tattoo, you should just not have sex.”
Cis men don’t get told to keep their penis in their pants if they don’t want to suffer the consequences of pregnancy because they won’t suffer the consequences of pregnancy. Cis men can walk away at any time, before or after the kid is born, and at most will suffer some social consequences. Cis women and female-bodied people who want to have penetrative sex suffer social consequences, physical consequences, emotional, mental, and in some cases medical consequences.
Listen, I’m a sex-averse asexual person, so I actually do choose to not have sex. But I will sure as hell fight for any sexual person’s right to choose to have and enjoy sex.
And it is absolutely sexist as fuck for you, as a man, to sit there with your no actual long-lasting consequences or effects and tell women that because they choose to have sex that they don’t have the same right as a man who doesn’t and does not want to have consequences to access to the things will put us on even ground with you. If you don’t have to have children just because you choose to have sex, then neither should we. We should be allowed the same right to not get pregnant from having sex if we want to, and the same right over health care decisions for our own bodies, including our uteri as you have over your bodies, including your penis.
There. NOW I’m done. And you can fuck off with your privileged, sexist shit.
I’m not saying it is only the lady’s responsibility.
I just said that I don’t think it is the neighbor’s responsibility.
Unless it’s with me, who you have sex with, how you have sex, where you have sex, and how many times you have sex is frankly none of my business. Likewise, unless it’s sex with me, I’m not responsible for the consequences.
There was a great quote from a Reason article about the march.
❝In terms of politics, we seem stuck between two false choices that fewer and fewer of us want to make. To riff off a sign I saw during coverage of today’s march, we have one tribe that wants the government to control women’s uteruses and another one that want the government out of uteruses, except to pay for all health care.❞
Considering that most Western abortions are performed out of medical necessity, yeah, it’s completely a health care issue.
You’ve already shown in comments below that you don’t give two shits about the reasons women are more threatened than men. You were told some reasons, and you used your opinion to justify not caring about them. So why in the hell should I give two shits about you, then? You’re pretending to be reasonable, but you’ve already decided that women and female-bodied people are putting too undue a burden on you by asking for the rights to our own damn bodies. I am done. Let others try to talk sense into you if they want to try, it’s not my job.
I’m not denying a single right.
I just don’t think contraception should be paid for by public funds. That’s a privilege, not a right. For what it’s worth, government involvement in medicine has kept costs high and innovation down. I don’t think government should be involved in medicine, period.
Honestly if this march is about contraception and abortion, then it’s a doomed effort. And Donald Trump has not said one word about removing those things from women.
Yep, Obamacare is definitely a target. But removing Obamacare is not about denying contraceptives and abortions.
Please tell me that this march is about something more than providing free or reduced cost birth control.
Of course it is. You are picking up on comments made in this thread, not by the March. Listen to some of the speeches; read their signs. Eg, they talked about the low wages of women compared to men, and the even lower wages of women of color.Donald Trump may not have said a word about these issues, but he is the capstone of a wall-to-wall Republican Congress, and these issues have been in their sights for years. Trump is a convenient focus of attention because of his attitudes toward women; why do you think marchers wore those knit caps with pussy ears?
Actually Trump supports equal pay. And Planned Parenthood. He has said so several times.
Again, I am not supporting Trump. I’m just pointing out what he did say.
I did read the Mirror writeup about an hour ago, it had some interesting pictures. The bit about Madonna’s speech was a bit out of line.
Now maybe I missed something, but the only thing I saw about women’s rights as such were the things about reproductive rights.
Without even getting into a deeper critique of libertarian thinking, I can say that the fight over abortion and contraception is far larger than the question of public funding. The anti-abortion movement, a hugely important demographic in Trump’s base, aims to ban ALL access to abortion, and ultimately all access to contraception. Their holy grail is to get Roe v Wade overturned, and Trump has said he plans to pick Supreme Court justices who are likely to do that. Trump says a lot of things and contradicts himself and acts more from impulse than planning, but he’s made it very clear that he’s backing the Religious Right to the hilt on their agendas. I don’t think he’s one of them, but he needs their full support to retain power.
As the anti-abortion movement bides its time on a sweeping Supreme Court decision, they have been pushing thousands of measures at the state and local level to create virtual bans on abortion through regulations aimed at bullying, degrading, humiliating and intimidating women as they make this choice, even with their own private funds. To re-frame this perhaps in a libertarian light, reproductive freedom is about personal sovereignty. Does the state own us or do we own ourselves? Control over one’s own healtcare and reproductive capacity involve choices which hugely affect the trajectory of someone’s life, and sometimes even whether they live or die themselves. If the state asserted the same sort of ownership interest in men and essentially treated us as breedstock and proposed to do even half of what it has tried to do to women, there would blood in the streets.
Apart from what Trump has said he will do and what his supporters have always aimed to do to women, there is the matter of his attitude toward them. The example of his personal life and the language he consistently uses about women is not merely un-PC or or the usual run of dude locker room talk. It is language and action which betrays the same attitude toward women we would expect from an imperial Roman brothel slave trader. It’s not hard to see why women in general don’t trust this guy with their human rights.
Hey, take public funding out of the equation and I promise you that almost all libertarians would have no objection to reproductive rights. He who pays for something owns it. With government involved, it’s privilege.
I consider Trump a threat to liberty. I think the man lies and is dishonorable. I just don’t see that as a special threat to women.
Gee Ken, cuck a bit harder why don’t you? I fully support Trump, not because he has always treated his women employees extremely well, but because he has a glorious vision for the country.
“female-bodied people” lol
How’s that gender studies degree working for you, in your job at Starbucks?
You gotta be kidding! American women are treated better than most of the women on earth. Your narrative of “we women are oppressed” is a lie. The current iteration of feminism in 2017 exists to shame and silence White men.
Dial it back 200 years and one could say the slaves in the US were treated better than those is the Caribbean.
Slavery? OK let’s talk slavery.
There are millions of blacks in Africa who are currently enslaved by Muslims, but I have never heard any anti-White leftist ever mention that fact. Also, no marxist gender studies professors ever mention that it was White people who ended slavery.
When exactly do White people get the chance to take their own side?
Contrary to my usual standards I’m using the second person in this comment. You continue to change the subject, dodging any reasonable rebuttal to your somewhat hysterical points. I’m through with you. You are a troll.
Which of the claimes within the women’s rights movement do you consider to be unreasonable demands for privileges vs rights? From what I’ve seen, they’re really just pressing for the same rights we men have pretty much taken for granted for ourselves since apes took up toolmaking. Women’s anger and protests are really pretty proportionate to the legitimate and undeniable grievances they have. Men have started a lot of wars and revolutions over lesser matters.
Yes, it’s a “human rights” issue, but the oppression that women have suffered and continue to suffer is not simply the product of women happening to live under regimes with general disregard for human rights. Their rights have been denied in a great many instances because they are women. They are asking for “special rights” only to the extent that universal rights have been specially denied to them. I struggle to understand why the claims and identities of historically marginalized groups is such a burr in the saddle of conservatives and libertarians. In the instance of actual bigots, it makes perfect sense. For the many others, and I will presume you among them who come at it with good will, it’s less clear. It seems to reflect thinking that justice is a finite commodity, and that if women, or gays or people of color levy a large claim, that there will be less justice for the rest of us, or that the claims of one group must automatically devalue those of others?
Women’s rights, like LGBT rights, disable rights etc. are all human rights, but each has a particular historical context which must be addressed if those particular folks ever hope to secure their human rights. At the same time, the claims of each of these communities cannot truly be isolated from one another. Women’s rights will never be fully secured in the absence of general economic justice nor if transgender women are allowed to be marginalized. We will never enjoy true religious freedom as Pagans if we allow a regime to oppress Muslims for their beliefs.
Even the most relatively privileged among us – white, hetero, male. Christian (any other normative thing you can think of), will never get even their full measure of human rights within a society which systematically denies or dismisses other’s claims and historical grievances. It’s harder for many people to see that, but it’s true nonetheless. It really is a hang together or hang separately sort of situation. The only real way forward is to fight each other’s battles alongside them, and that starts by giving credence to their claims and identities.
Let’s take this march as an example. Now I didn’t follow the actual march yesterday. I didn’t follow the inauguration at all, I’ve been pretty sick of politics for months.
But I did read beforehand. How white women needed to “check their privilege.” How right to life women need not apply. It moved from “all” women to “some” women.
I’m not saying if these things are right or wrong, I’m just saying that it moved pretty fast from rights for all to privileges for some.
The March didn’t happen yesterday. It is scheduled for today.
So it is. My mistake.
I told you I wasn’t following the inauguration.
There’ll be a lot of witches at all the marches.
I wish I could be there, but I’m with you in spirit and in my prayers to the Godds. Give them hell. I know I’ve ben honing some nasty curses for this purpose ;).
One of my witch friends took part in the march and had my nephew’s and my name on her sign.
Get over it folks! Trump won and will most like be the President for the next 8 year. We got our Country back. What a bunch of sore loser. Well enjoy your pity party. Though I doubt its going to accomplish anything.
Why do you think Trump is a Good Thing™?
“We got our Country back.”
No, the billionaire class got the country. All you got was empty promises and scraps of ideological red meat to keep you fanatically serving the 1 percenters who are going to take the very last crumbs of wealth and upward mobility from you and your descendants.
You are a pawn of the open borders globalist elite who will flood this country with third world workers, until all of us live in miserable third world conditions. Billionaire George Soros funded the women’s march! (Google: “Soros Funds the Woman’s March) It was working class & middle class average Americans who elected Trump because they don’t want to live in a third world hell hole.
Voting for Trump because they don’t want to live in a third world hell hole. So they voted for a man who is turning over most of the top state functions to the military, who plans to vastly expand the already staggering domestic spying and prison infrastructures, who has placed himself and his family in a position to reap enormous financial benefits from their government positions and who has expressed the desire to legally punish news media which criticize him. I guess sometimes the only way to save people from a third world hell hole is to design them a stronger thirld world hell hole….
To be honest, I would choose a Trump hell hole over a Sharia hell hole any day, Ken, and I think if you were being honest you would too. Do you have daughters, sisters, or any females in your family that you love? If so, don’t subject them to the will of the open borders globalist elite.
Back from what? Where did it go? I thought I’ve been in Michigan all this time, which is in the US, but I guess not….
American women have more rights than most women on earth, and they are marching for… what? It is very disappointing to find this leftist status signaling in the pagan community.
The founding vision of this country was to give everyone their full measure of justice and opportunity, not merely to suck less than most other places on the planet.
LOL Ken. The nation was founded by White men, for themselves and their posterity. Your understanding of history is composed of shallow leftist talking points you learned from your marxist professors at university.
Of course it was for their self interests. In fact the American experiment was as much the product of tax-dodging industrialists as anything else, but the ideals of the Enlightenment held much larger aspirations. When you say that American women have nothing to complain about, that line of reasoning could just as well have been used to deny the legitimacy of the American Revolution. As British subjects, early Americans were much better off than most other people, and certainly all other colonials in the world. The oppression of the monarchy and Parliament was, in the scheme of things, very small potatoes. Should they have just settled for the fairly generous scraps left them or fight for what they were due?
Ken, please. Stop defending the indefensible. Feminism has done horrific damage to women, children, families and most of all, White men. Have some self respect man. Your indo-European pagan ancestors disavow your leftist cucking.
“Cucking”, eh? Yeah you’re not alt-right or anything. That is THE defining term of the alt-right white power movement. Until this most recent election cycle, cuckoldry as a term had never once in modern times crossed the lips of anyone outside of the BDSM/kink communities.
You expect the Pagan community to only tilt right?
I’m not sure she’s pagan.
I am pagan. I attend solstice gatherings.
I did look at your commenting history after I saw your posts.
Honor means I have to tell you I am not particularly fond of the alt-right. Some guys from Stormfront appropriated some of my writings years ago and misused them.
I will also tell you that genuine courtesy goes a long way when dealing with people who don’t agree with your ideas.
The one thing I’ve learned for certain is that no one person, no one group has all the answers. There’s more to life than black or white.
1. Stormfront people would be highly insulted if you called them “altRight”. lol Most hardcore 14/88 people have nothing but scorn & contempt for the altRight.
2. Courtesy – yes, I agree.
3. I would love to walk a middle path. I used to be a liberal! A few years ago I was redpilled when I found out about the industrial scale rape of thousands of schoolgirls by Muslim rape gangs who still operate freely in English towns like Rotherham. I was sickened & shocked to my core by those rapes. I still am. I went to my favorite leftist websites to discuss it and I was met with denial & attack by fellow liberals. Those who did admit that Muslim rape gangs were brutalizing thousands of English children dismissed it because it didn’t fit their leftist world view. That was the beginning of my redpill journey.
Take care with pill journeys of any sort. They do not always lead to wisdom…
I’d be very interested in seeing the primary sources of these mass rape allegations. I know there have certainly been instances like that (I’m recalling something from Germany rather than England), but “industrial scale rape of thousands”? My gut tells me that we sat down and did the math, we’d come up with a scenario where a group of Muslim men would have had to be committing attacks 24/7 for 9 years without food or rest to make the tally work.
Wow, Ken. Are you going to deny the Rotherham rapes too? Wow, man. The violent rapes of thousands of native English schoolgirls (most aged 12-15) by Muslim rape gangs has happening for years. This is widespread public knowledge, and well publicized (except by mainstream media which has said very little about it). There was a government report which addressed the depth & seriousness of the Muslim rape gangs. But you dare deny this heinous evil.
Google “ROTHERHAM ABUSE SCANDAL: Horrific reality of ‘industrial scale’ child grooming revealed”
I’m not denying anything. i just want traceable verification. I’m just old enough that I’m not down with Trump’s whole post-fact paradigm of truth. Saying that something is “widespread public knowledge” is not verification of anything. Since the dawn of the Internet Age, all loony conspiracy theories are widespread and well publicized.
I gave you the google link, man. Here, I will give it to you again.
If you want verification of the mass rape of native English children by Muslim rape gangs, Google:
“Professor Alexis Jay’s astonishing probe revealed at least 1,400 girls were groomed by sex gangs between 1997 and 2013, and unearthed a series of scandalous failings by local authorities.”
Just copy-paste that into the google search bar.
I have read some articles making such claims, I’ve not verified it.
I do know that the sex-trafficing claims in the US are vastly exaggerated, perhaps by a couple of orders of magnitude.
The Alexis Jay report, an official report commissioned by the UK government, VERIFIED IT. Read the info in the link I supplied. If you claim to be about honor, fairness and open-ness then do not deny the brutal rape of thousands of native English children by Muslim rape gangs. Anyone who denies or dismisses those rapes is as evil as the Brits who did nothing while their daughters & sisters were being brutalized by Muslim rape gangs.
Your comment exemplifies why I turned away from my liberal roots, Ken. It is also why I am disgusted with many leftist pagans I know in real life. When I mentioned the Rotherham rapes of thousands of native English girls by Muslim men, a leftist in my pagan group immediately changed the subject because mass rape of native English girls by Muslim rape gangs was too much cognitive dissonance for her to handle. Most of the supposedly “kind, loving” leftist pagans I know in real life seem incapable of comprehending that the rape of thousands of native English children by Muslim rape gangs is evil.
It’s not a matter of cognitive dissonance for me. Being a “leftist Pagan” in no way requires me to believe that Muslim men never commit sexual assault or that public gang-type attacks never happen. In fact they are an endemic problem in a number of places in South Asia and the Middle East. These are places where law and cultures and religious justifications greatly devalue women and at the same time brutally suppress virtually all healthy forms of sexuality. It’s not at all surprising that some of these young men (and some not so young) would bring such horrid behavior to a new host country.
I’m just not convinced its at the mass level you describe and I’m not buying the implication that “the Race” is under threat by failing to suppress Muslim immigration or that white liberals are some sort of race betrayers for not seeing a solution in men like Donald Trump, who incidentally employ the exact same language and attitudes toward women as the Imams and village chiefs in the rapiest places in the Muslim world.
Every single country that was once partially Muslim is now Muslim majority and under Sharia law. See how long your precious leftist pagan universal values survive when that happens here. The Muslim population of England is 5% and they are dealing with the ongoing rape of thousands of native English children because leftists in England were happy to look the other way when girls were being raped, because they thought it would be “racist” to speak against Muslim crimes. And Sharia law is now legal in England. Connect the dots.
England is in no way “under Sharia law”. The so-called Sharia courts have no legal authority. They are binding only to the extent that individual Muslims seek and then accept the council’s opinion. Their “rulings” on matters like divorce have no bearing on the civil law status of the situation, anymore than rabbinical courts or the Catholic Canon Law courts.
Ken, wake up. Native English people currently live under de-facto Sharia blasphemy laws, man. Many English people have been taken to court because they committed the “crime” of speaking against Muslim immigration in England. Once again, feel free to deny this fact, like you denied the brutal rapes of thousands of native English children by Muslim rape gangs.
And are you actually defending Sharia law, Ken? Are you seriously defending Sharia law? *smh* Sharia law has no place in any civilized Western country, man. Stop defending the indefensible. You do comprehend that our lovely Pagan ceremonies would not only be outlawed under Sharia law, but we would all be beheaded? Wake up, man.
Yep, I know. I also know from experience that that there are some very strange crossovers.
Your comments and courtesy speak for themselves.
I could be snarky and tell you that the pills are an illusion. Instead I will say that things are never quite as bad or quite as good as others say.
What is “good” about the broken lives of thousands of native British children brutalized by Muslim rape gangs, Wayland? And why are you not outraged about the mass rape of innocent native English girls? My pagan Celtic & Saxon ancestors would have the wisdom to know exactly what to do if their innocent daughters & sisters were being raped by Muslim sex gangs.
Why do you not have any awareness of that simple ancestral wisdom?
I’m never sure who’s a Pagan on this blog, but I’ve known good, gun-toting right-wing Pagans face to face. Pagans come in all political flavors.
The pagans I have encountered in real life tilt so far left it disgusts me. Pagan gathering are social justice, status signaling sessions. Is it too much to ask that haters leave their anti-White bigotry at the door?
I don’t see where anyone can read anti-white bigotry into this comment thread. What one might see is firm rejection of the old white zero-sum-game psychology, wherein anyone else’s gains must automatically incur a white (male, straight, Anglophone) loss.As I told NeoWayland, there are plenty of good Pagans on the right.
That’s hilarious, given that the Pagan movement is demographically at least as white as Trump’s support base, and quite probably even more so.