Canadian Pagans and Heathens respond to Quebec City mosque shooting

QUEBEC CITY, Mon — On the evening of Sunday, January 29, a solitary gunman entered a mosque in Quebec City, Canada, killing six men and leaving another five in serious condition. Another thirteen people were reportedly treated and released for non-life threatening injuries. The Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec is the mosque where the shootings occurred. This recent attack is not the first act of intolerance that the facility has endured. In June 2016, during Ramadan, a gift-wrapped pigs head was delivered to the mosque with a note that read “Bon appetit.” More recently the walls of the mosque had been defaced with swastikas.

Pagan Community Notes: Canadian Declaration, Oak King Letters, Tuatha Dea, and more!

CANADA — The Canadian Pagan Declaration on Intolerance was officially launched on Saturday, Dec. 10 in honor of International Human Rights Day. Within the first 48 hours, the document quickly went viral, and saw 60 organizations and more than 380 individuals sign on in support. The majority of Canada is represented, with signatories on board from seven of the ten provinces. Jade Pichette, coordinator of this initiative, was also pleased to report that Pagan businesses have also been signing on and that private groups and covens, who previously had kept low profiles, are surfacing to join in solidarity.

Canadian Pagans rally against intolerance

CANADA — On Nov. 8, the results of the U.S. presidential election affected more than just the American population. Millions of people around the world sat on the edge of their seats as the polls came in, electing Donald Trump as the leader of one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. North of the border, the anticipation of the incoming regime is now bringing concern and rising tension. Daily news reports include details of how the Trump administration could affect everything from the price of food to the security of the Canadian economy.