Join the Sustainers Circle

Let’s be honest.  We hate doing this as much as you hate us asking. 

But like our journalism colleagues in public media, we exist because of your financial support. Like our colleagues in public media, we are an independent news agency serving our community with fiscal-sponsorship through Independent Arts & Media.

However, our lens is different from every other source of news out there. We are Pagans, Heathens, and polytheists who have been covering Pagan, Heathen, and polytheist news since 2004. We know this community, because we are this community.

And we need you today. 

There are so many things happening in our broad culture. We cover it all with one question always asked up front: How does this issue affect Pagans?

Doing this work takes a lot of resources, and that’s why we are coming to you. For The Wild Hunt to be available to everybody and to keep it going day in and day out without advertising and a pay wall, we your help.

We invite you to join many others in becoming a member of our Sustainers Circle.  We will keep you informed of our work throughout the year so you can witness how your monthly donation supports The Wild Hunt  – our Fourth Estate.

Sustainers Circle Donation Options

We appreciate every donation, and every cent goes back to creating the outstanding journalism as you have come to expect And, it is your support that has made and will continue to make The Wild Hunt a premier news source from our communities for our communities.