Columna: Yule en México

English Version
Los mexicanos, seamos religiosos o no, usualmente nos referimos a esta temporada de fiestas como Guadalupe-Reyes, que inicia con el Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe el 12 de diciembre y termina con el Día de los Reyes Magos el 6 de enero, y comúnmente alude a un maratón de comida y bebida, por lo que los paganos y brujos usualmente celebramos el solsticio de invierno antes de la fecha exacta del solsticio, ya que después estamos ocupados con reuniones familiares o salimos de vacaciones. Siempre me hace sonreír el recordar mi primer Yule, fue mi primer ritual en el que participé en un coven. Nunca olvidaré al sumo sacerdote abrir la puerta, darme la bienvenida con una cálida sonrisa y el olor the pino, canela, romero y mirra que salía de la casa. Todos me saludaron con palabras gentiles y por fin pude entender lo que ‘feliz encuentro’ realmente significaba. Al mismo tiempo, todos tenían una expresión de curiosidad preguntándose qué hacia ese niño de 16 años ahí, a lo que el sumo sacerdote les diría “no juzguen a la gente joven por sus edad, la mayoría de las veces son más sabios que nosotros.” Aunque no me sentía nada sabio; al contrario, sentía que no sabía nada y que quería aprenderlo todo y participar en todo en lo que pudiera en el ritual.

Column: Solstice at Stonehenge

My first impression of England came in a solstice ritual put on by the Cotswold Order of Druids at Stonehenge several weeks ago. This struck me at the time as the single most clichéd way for a Pagan pilgrim to begin his visit to the country, but then things become clichés often because they are so perfect that they can’t help but become obvious. During my stay in England, I had the good fortune of having many wonderful magickal experiences, but the ceremony at Stonehenge stands out. For one thing, the sheer size of it: dozens and dozens of people in cloaks and robes, circling the stones, our steps in time with drums from the Morris players toward the back of our line. I felt the same sense that I felt at Thingvellir when I visited Iceland: that mixture of wonder, curiosity, smallness, transience that we call the sublime.

Column: a Fruitful Darkness

Beloved American poet Mary Oliver once wrote, “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”[1]

Darkness has prevailed in the Western hemisphere; autumn mourns the loss the sun whom no doubt returns triumphant in spring. Where once temples illumined, now there may only enough oil for one night of eight. Others too have readied themselves for a long journey at the mid hour of night. That story goes: wise men saw a star in the east and followed.

Column: the Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

23.439281 degrees – that’s the reason for the season. Or rather, it is because of it that we started to promote symbolic and ultimately religious meaning to the path of the sun across the sky. It is an astronomical event co-opted by just about every religion that emerged north of the 23rd parallel, if not worldwide. The returning of the sun was marked in Rome as Sol Invictus with the co-occurring festivals of Brumalia and Saturnalia. The Christians would later fold those holidays together to mark the Nativity as the birth of light in the world.

Dragon Ritual Drummers winter solstice event cancelled last minute

ST. CATHERINES, Ont. — A Canadian Pagan group says their Winter Solstice celebration was cancelled for being “too overtly Pagan.” The Dragon Ritual Drummers, a musical troupe headed by Witchdoctor Utu, planned to host a solstice ritual and concert at the Niagara Cannabis Club, but says the club canceled the event just hours before it was to start. The Winter Solstice Witches Mass and Concert is an annual Ontario event, during which the Dragon Ritual Drummers usually perform. This year the group decided to host it themselves, and they picked the town of St.