The Odinist at the Splash Pad

It’s always a fraught moment when somebody recognizes my necklace, which I realize is strange – the point of wearing a Thor’s Hammer is to publicly identify oneself as a Heathen, after all – but I’m still caught off-guard every time it happens. I’m forced to make a swift evaluation of my surroundings and my social context. Who is this person? What assumptions are they making about me? What assumptions do they think I will make of them?

Column: The Magic of Play

Let’s try something.  Here’s a simple task developed by psychologist Nancy Napier (2014). Take a sheet of paper and draw two horizontal lines a couple of inches apart. Now start a timer and write “I am a great multitasker” in the first line and the numbers 1-20 sequentially on the second line. How long did it take?