Opinion: Of Baptists and Pagans
Karl E.H. Seigfried reflects on the role of the relationship between politics and refuge in contemporary Pagan religions.
The Wild Hunt (
Karl E.H. Seigfried reflects on the role of the relationship between politics and refuge in contemporary Pagan religions.
Editor-in-chief Manny Tejeda-Moreno ponders a strange mass ritual experience, full of pomp and ceremony, known to some as “The Superbowl.”
International columnist Lyonel Perabo recounts his experiences at the fourth annual Asgardian Festival in the United Kingdom.
Lyonel Perabo reviews the book “Heathen Garb and Gear: Ritual Dress, Tools, and Art for the Practice of Germanic Heathenry” by Ben Waggoner and Kveldulf Gunnarson with Diana Paxson.
Guest columnist Catherine Carr explores the relationship between religious ceremony and neuroscience.