Column: The World Famous Mormon Muffin
Eric O. Scott sets out on a quest for the world-famous Mormon Muffins of Ogden, Utah, and learns something about how food builds a community.
The Wild Hunt (
Eric O. Scott sets out on a quest for the world-famous Mormon Muffins of Ogden, Utah, and learns something about how food builds a community.
From the point of view of many global onlookers, most of Western and Northern Europe might seem an oddly secular, even religion-less place. Despite a history of (ofttimes violent) religious upheaval during the Christian era and a relative growth of Islam in the present day, there is no denying that religion, and more specifically the expression of religious sentiment, has little to no place in the public sphere in many European nations. As such, even simply discussing religion, and especially Pagan and magical ones, isn’t something nearly as self-evident as in other regions, like North America, where a similar degree of religious freedom is the law of the land. In such a context, the experiences of individuals who might want to experiment with various spiritual paths are rarely if ever publicized or talked about. Yet under this veneer of secularism lies a dynamic and ever-changing religious landscape that has much to offer to those willing to get real with religion.