Canada Set to Remove Witchcraft Laws as Arrests Made

TORONTO —  The York Regional Police #4 District Criminal Investigations Bureau reported on October 25, 2018 that, Samantha Stevenson, alias Evanna Lopez, was arrested and charged before the Ontario Court of Justice in Newmarket with falsely practicing Witchcraft for allegedly attempting to swindle an elderly victim. The investigation began in November of 2017 and continued until the arrest. The York Regional Police report claims that that the victim lost over $600,000 in an effort to rid himself of evil spirits.  

The York Regional Police made clear in their statement that,
The offence of Pretending to Practice Witchcraft, under the Criminal Code of Canada, specifically deals with individuals who fraudulently portray themselves as having fortune-telling abilities or pretend to use witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration in order to obtain money or valuables from a victim. This charge is not connected in any way to any religion.