Column: Wisdom from the Graves
Lyonel Perabo’s daily walk to his child’s kindergarten takes him through his hometown’s cemetery, a place to reflect on history and what has been passed down to us.
The Wild Hunt (
Lyonel Perabo’s daily walk to his child’s kindergarten takes him through his hometown’s cemetery, a place to reflect on history and what has been passed down to us.
PRAQUE – On March 16, a Norwegian-based online news site, Local NO, published an article titled, “Norwegian ‘witch’ books stolen by Nazis found.” This story was quickly picked up by international media and expounded upon. The Local NO was covering a March 16 conference hosted by a project called “Books Discovered Once Again.” The conference topic was, in fact, the recovery of these confiscated books. However, according to one of the program organizers “no occult books” have been found.