What Time is It, Mr. Fox?

Looking at the footage of his run, he seemed to be chasing for fun instead of hunger, trotting with his head held high instead of moving low and fast. I wondered if he had, perhaps, already eaten. I wondered if foxes sometimes hunt for play.

Chickens and Rats and Land-Spirits, Oh My

When I purchased this home and land, I did more than take title to some property. I made a covenant with the land and the land spirits to care for them and all the lives they hold. To work to nourish them and help them provide for the animals and the winged and crawly creatures who, in turn, sustain the land.

Column: Building Connections at Bear Path Cottage

“Creating a homestead from scratch is a long, slow process, especially for someone with very little practical experience as a gardener, zero experience with livestock and water management, and limited financial resources. At least it has been for me.”

Column: Cornerstone

Sheri Barker reflects on how she has grown her relationship with the land she lives on, and how the goddess Brigid intervened to show her a secret in the ground below.