Pagan artists getting creative to stay afloat financially
TWH’s Azure West talked with a number of artists about how they are changing their business models to adapt to the changing market due to travel restrictions and quarantines.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/celia-farran)
TWH’s Azure West talked with a number of artists about how they are changing their business models to adapt to the changing market due to travel restrictions and quarantines.
Due to be released next weekend, The Green Album is a collaborative work containing songs from 14 different Pagan musicians. The project was born in late 2014 and has been spearheaded by Tuatha Dea, a “Celtic, Tribal, Gypsy Rock Band” from Tennessee. Not only is The Green Album a collection of songs expressing an eclectic musical variety, but it also focuses on the preservation and stewardship of our ecosystem. Each song is devoted to the theme and 25 percent of the album’s profits will go to the nonprofit organization Rainforest Trust. “Music is the Universal language.