Winter’s Work

“The key is yours, Sheri Ann. A gift of understanding, perhaps.” My child-self showed up at that moment and answered, “Only my ancestors call me that.” “I know,” she answered.

Dreamworld Visitations

If I’m lucky, they’ll tell stories of the journeys they take across landscapes as alien as anything in Oz. “I ended up in someone’s garden,” they explain. “Only they were a sort of – scarecrow accordion? I apologized, and they let me cut through their house.” “Why did you need to go through their house?” I ask, and they pause, thoughtful. “Because that was the easiest way to get to you.”

Column: Safe Travels in Troubled Times

I love to travel by car, train, or boat. Whether a planned trip or an impulse adventure, making the most of an opportunity to revisit familiar and well-remembered places or explore new settings always makes me happy. For me the journey itself is as important as the destination. Music, conversation, comfortable silences, roadside diners, scenery, and side trips to see an old cabin or a waterfall or a special little bookstore add immeasurably to the width of each adventure. Research into the historical and natural elements also plays a part, and my love of actual, in-my-hands folding maps and atlases sweetens the depths.