Editorial: Season of the Witch (Article)

[We are in the home stretch of our campaign. Now at 56% with 5 days to go! Consider donating to The Wild Hunt. You make it possible for us to continue to provide a platform for our communities’ important news. What better way to celebrate the October season! Donate to a news organization that supports your spiritual community. Donate to The Wild Hunt today.]

TWH – We have reached the end of October. Halloween is fast approaching.

Nashville Pagan Pride Day attracts street preachers

[There are only 18 days left in the Fall Fund Drive. How much would you pay for a monthly magazine subscription or a daily news service? If you read The Wild Hunt and enjoy the service, donate today. It is your support that keeps our team serving you with professional news and commentary each day. This is your community; TWH is your community news source. Donate today and share our link!

Pagan Tara Denison steps out of the darkness to talk suicide

[There are only 21 days left in the Fall Fund Drive. If you read The Wild Hunt and enjoy the service, consider donating today. This drive is what funds TWH for the entire year and keeps our team serving you professional news and commentary each day. This is your community; TWH is your community news source. Donate today and share our link! Thank you.]
“For anyone trying to carve out space in this world while creating the world we want to come…sometimes it is overwhelming.

Remembering Seb Barnett: Artist, Creator, Shaman

SEATTLE — Over the weekend, the Pagan community in the pacific northwest learned that one of its beloved members, a fellow teacher, talented artist, and close friend, had committed suicide. Since then, shock has rolled through the community, turning into expressions of deep sadness. Writer Rhyd Wildermuth posted, “The last time I saw you, you gave me a huge hug and called me ‘big brother’ like you always did, and then said, ‘I feel like I’ll never see you again.’ I smiled and laughed it off. Of course we’d see each other again […] I was fucking wrong.”

Black moon, what?

[Heather Greene is our managing editor and weekly news writer. If you like her work and enjoy our daily news service, consider donating to The Wild Hunt. Each and every day, you will receive original content, both news and commentary, with a focus on Pagans, Heathens and polytheists worldwide. Your support makes it all happen, and every dollar counts. This is your community; TWH is your community news source.