Canadian Lake may provide evidence of the start of a new Human epoch
Scientists have proposed a small Canadian lake near Toronto has having the necessary evidence that may mark the era of humanity’s impact on the Earth.
The Wild Hunt (
Scientists have proposed a small Canadian lake near Toronto has having the necessary evidence that may mark the era of humanity’s impact on the Earth.
A Canadian senate report released last year outlines the ongoing incidence of forced sterilization of Indigenous women within the Canadian healthcare system.
Officials near Wuhan inspect bookstores to prevent the selling of unauthorized religious material.
At its annual meeting, TrothMoot, the Troth announced some changes to its policies and activities., including the addition of interfaith work.
Editor-in-chief, Manny Moreno warns the increasing trend by Evangelicals to demonize alternative beliefs and practices that has the potential to fuel a reprisal of the Satanic Panic of the 80s.