Column: Flooded Roots
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott ponders the fate of the Big Oak Tree in Columbia, Missouri, in a year of floods and a time of climate change.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/author/eric/page/23)
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott ponders the fate of the Big Oak Tree in Columbia, Missouri, in a year of floods and a time of climate change.
Editor and Columnist Eric O. Scott considers the benefits of structure and the power of spontaneity in ritual composition and execution.
Eric O. Scott on the many depictions of polytheism found in HBO’s Game of Thrones.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott reflects on his recent grief and the role of magick and nature in finding consolation.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott writes about the devastation of Joshua Tree National Park and the need for spiritual awakening in our efforts to combat climate change.