Manny Moreno

Manny (pronouns he, him, his) was born in Cuba and raised in the American South, growing up bicultural and under multiple religious traditions. He lives in Miami and Nemi, Italy. He speaks English, Spanish, Italian and liturgical Yoruba.  On a good day, he can embarrass himself in Chinese.  Manny has been in the Pagan community for almost four decades. He is a witch and was raised as a child of Oyá. He is encouraged by the Balance within the natural world, enjoys storms and the dark of the Moon.

Manny has served the community in multiple roles and in several organizations including Pursewarden and Second Officer for Covenant of the Goddess and Chronicler for Ár nDraíocht Féin.  He serves as Public Information Officer for Everglades Moon Local Council.  Manny is a certified Florida Master Naturalist. He is also a beekeeper, orchid-grower, and builder of bat houses.  Manny is married and splits his free time between the Florida Swamps, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Alban Hills of Rome.

Manny serves The Wild Hunt as Editor-in-Chief and Publisher.

Complete list of Manny Moreno’s Wild Hunt articles