Inga Leonora

Inga Westerberg 2 24.12.2015Inga Leonora is a Witch, Stav Carrier, animist and polythiest who lives at the Bottom of the World, in Hobart, Tasmania in Australia. She honours the Ancestors, and their Celtic, Gaelic and Scandinavian Gods. She currently teaches students of her House, and shares her Craft with the small pagan community of Tasmania and friends all over the country.

Inga Leonora spends her time writing of the myriad and ancient Spirits that inhabit the dark and ancient Land Australia on her blog, and crafting ritual and magical tools using the distinctly Australian and abundant resources and materials she finds in the Wild Places on the northern foothills of kunanyi (Mount Wellington). She believes that Witchcraft in Australia has the potential to manifest as a wholly unique experience and practice, unlike any other, and continues to advocate for a distinct, syncretic practice that draws on and recognises the ancient wisdom of Australia’s Aboriginal People and our singularly unique history as a nation.

Inga describes herself as a pinko­commie­anarchist­leftie environmentalist, feminist, and LGBTQI and Indigenous allied loudmouth, who believes the Magical Arts are an act of rebellion and revolution, and advocates for and participates with magical activism as a powerful tool to materialise social change, environmental conservation and justice for the voiceless, persecuted and vulnerable kin of all species we share the World with. She also rants far too often about Australian politics.

Inga has been writing for The Wild Hunt since February 2016

Complete list of Alley Valkyrie’s Wild Hunt articles