Assault on Pagan shop owner a possible hate crime

COLLEGE CORNER, Ohio – On Sunday afternoon around 5:00 PM, Matt Penick said he was assaulted after he had an encounter with a neighboring tenant who lives upstairs in the same building that houses their shop, Tuscarora Moon.

Tuscarora Moon – May 21, 2023 – [courtesy]

According to the Penicks, Matt had been out in front of the shop clearing away trash and debris in preparation for clearing the area of weeds when he and the tenant exchanged words over some of the waste and some spent AA batteries on the sidewalk.

Donna Penick said her husband was admittedly “gruff” in his exchange with the tenant over the debris surrounding the area. When Penick went back outside to apologize to the tenant for being less than congenial, a person who the Penicks believe is related to the tenant began striking Penick and knocking him to the ground.

Penick said the assailant told him, “You do not mess my brother, [and] when you do, this is what you get.”

Even once he was down on the ground, Penick said that his assailant continued to strike him. The assault resulted in Penick suffering a broken nose, a broken front tooth, a laceration on his left cheek requiring three stitches, and another gash on his left elbow. Penick was treated and released from a local hospital.

Both Penicks said that they had been working with their landlord to try to coax the neighboring tenant into cleaning up the space around his entrance. Prior to Sunday, all of the exchanges with the tenant had been decent and there had been no contentious interactions.

The police were contacted and while Matt Penick was intent on filing assault charges, the responding deputy tried to dissuade him from doing so while Penick was being treated at the hospital.

According to Mr. Penick, the officer told him, “We talked to the guy and if you file charges, he will file charges, and both of you will have warrants issued for your arrest.”

Mr. Penick said the deputy went on to point out that both he and his alleged assailant would miss work as a result of charges filed and that only the court would benefit from such actions in the accumulated court costs. Penick said that the deputy also said he would be unable to file a report at that time since he did not appear to have the proper paperwork with him.

Later, the Penicks managed to get another deputy to meet them with the proper paperwork.

Mr. Penick said that when he called to see about obtaining an order of protection, he was told that due to the alleged assailant being unknown, and that there was no previous contact between him and the alleged assailant, the incident did not meet the criteria for a protective order being issued.

Under Ohio state law, there are two different types of protective orders that might apply in Penick’s case. An ex parte Civil Protection Order (CPO), and if a criminal complaint is filed and the individual is charged with assault, a Criminal Protection Order (CRPO).

It was only after the assault when Mr.s Penick was shown pictures of the alleged assailant that she recognized him as someone who had come into the shop the second day they were open. According to Donna, in that instance, the man bought two crosses and told her, “You know, they used to burn witches…”

Donna Penick said that an individual that has the same last name has since then continually disparaged Tuscarora Moon online, referring to the Penicks as “weirdos” and has made negative comments and posts online about Pagan and LGBTQ+ events. She also mentioned that the Pride flag they had on display had recently disappeared.

The Ohio Valley Pagan Society has organized a rally scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 2, 2023, at 2:00 PM to show support for the Penicks, and that will include a ritual for peace.

Due to having recently changed jobs, Matt Penick’s insurance has yet to kick in so the treatment of his injuries is not eligible to be covered. A GoFundMe has been started to help cover the cost of treating his injuries and any legal costs incurred.

As for what comes next, Matt Penick told TWH when it comes to seeing justice done, “I am willing to take this as high as it needs to go.”

Matt Penick and his wife, Donna Penick opened Tuscarora Moon in 2017 in Newport, Kentucky. Their shop sells a variety of metaphysical supplies and other items that cater to a variety of traditions including Christian items like Novena candles and even some crosses. They recently relocated their shop to College Corner from Newport, after their former building was slated to be sold.

While the Penicks are shaken by both the assault and some of the comments they have seen online, they are resolute in their decision to keep their business in College Corner.

Initially, Donna said, “I was afraid to go back, but now—where there is love, hate cannot exist. We’re definitely got going anywhere.”

Her husband, Matt said he could sum up his feelings with this adage, “Try to move a tall oak when its roots are buried deep within the ground.”

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