How to create rituals that work for Pagans with ADHD

Halo Quin offers advice for Witches and Pagans with ADHD and for ritual leaders to make their rituals welcoming to neurodivergent practitioners. “My neurodivergent brain has some great magical strengths! But it definitely comes with challenges – like when someone was leading a beautiful pathworking to the realm of the moon and I got distracted and forgot where I was supposed to be – which wouldn’t have been so bad, if the person leading it had been anyone but me.”

To Honor the Gods

If we really believe in practicing world-affirming religions, then we should affirm the world we live in by working for the good of the planet and all that live upon it.

The Magic of a Regular Practice

Over the years I have come to understand that the informal work is equal in importance to the formal, as it grants us the opportunity to expand the “reach” of our magical consciousness into our “mundane” lives.