Column: Talking about our Mexican Origins

[Every month, we feature new writers with various backgrounds and traditions, who share their perspectives and add their insights to the larger conversation in the community. If you like this feature, consider making a small monthly donation or make a one-time donation toward this vital global community venture. It is your help and your support that keeps daily and dependable news coming to your doorstep each day from wherever its origin.]

I would like to apologize. On my first column for The Wild Hunt, I was so excited to introduce myself that there were a few details about our Mexican Pagan community that I regretfully left out. I was impatient to tell about our existence. I wanted to let the international Pagan community know that we are very similar to each other and that there are practitioners here with similar beliefs or people who belong to the same traditions as them.

Columna: Hablando de nuestros orígenes mexicanos

Quiero disculparme. En mi primera columna para The Wild Hunt estaba tan emocionado por presentarme que hubo algunos detalles de la comunidad pagana mexicana que lamentablemente excluí. Estaba impaciente por contar de nuestra existencia. Quería hacer saber a la comunidad pagana internacional que somos muy similares entre nosotros y que aquí hay practicantes con creencias similares o personas que pertenecen a las mismas tradiciones que ellos. Sin embargo, mi gran error fue hablar de los paganos y brujos de México sin incluir nuestra propia herencia y lo que esto significa.